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  1. You can see attached where I've defined the ports but obviously as you've said if I set a custom IP it ignores those. Possibly some sort of note indicating that when setting the network type to anything custom. It's difficult to show but when launching the WebUI from the docker page it uses the correct port instead of the ones I defined. On a separate note, would it be possible to create a separate docker NAT for several other containers? Such that I want to setup a reverse proxy on 80 / 443 for several containers however I don't want to interfere with the unraid host UI running on 80 / 443. Basically have Unraid on using 80/443 and then have a Traefik container on on 80/443 and then have several containers not accessible from outside that Traefik will manage.
  2. I'm running a container on a custom port but it appears to not be listening. The container is using Custom: br0 as it's network type and is set for a custom IP. When I add the container I set custom ports and the interface appears to show me the that it's actually using the custom ports I set on the docker page. But when I try to access it on those ports I get nothing. If I use the default port the container wanted to use I'm able to access the webpage. I also curiously found that even though the docker page shows the port mapping that I set if I click the container image button and select "WebUI" it launches the original default port. It feels very much like the container is not listening to the custom ports I'm setting. Is there a place where I can find out what ports are being set when the container is launched in the terminal? Basically I'm trying to find the settings in the unraid system where the docker launch commands are stored.
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