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  1. Since the zerotier client from within unraid's community applications does not fully work anymore, is it possible to install zerotier using the bash script directly onto the OS? Any steps, suggestions, precautions would be welcome.
  2. Just wanted to report that this fix works. I reset my network.cfg file and then added the extra entry in routing table to the list of excluded interfaces. And also added the 10.147.X.X zerotier IP to the list of included interfaces. EDIT : That was shortlived joy. After a restart it stops working again. Can Zerotier be installed onto the core Linux using entware or something? It sucks to not be able to remotely access the server.
  3. In my routing table, I have 2 entries from zerotier. Although only one is added to the listening interfaces, the other is still in the list and I am unable to take it out. This is from a previous zerotier container that was in use. Could this be causing problems? Dont know how to remove it from the table. Clicking on the cross does not remove it.
  4. I disabled the netbios setting in smb settings, rebooted but still no luck. Unraid is the latest stable version. Zerotier docker is updated to the latest. So, smb and ssh both dont work using the ZT IP. It seems like everything I can do remotely using a browser is working while everything that needs any other interface isn't.
  5. Didn't understand your question. On the local network I am able to access my server by typing \\ into the Windows Explorer address bar. When connecting remotely using Zerotier, I use the Zerotier generated IP like \\ And obviously I use the same IP, like in a browser to access the web UI etc. Its the same IP for all remote access, just the port etc is different, obviously.
  6. Thanks, I can access the WEB UI now with this script. But accessing the samba shares at \\unraid-zerotier-ip-address still doesnt work
  7. Is there any solution to this? This has completely broken the ability to remotely access my tower. Will downgrading to some older unraid version help?
  8. smart test extended result attached. MAIN shows no errors now. smart-20240415-1107.zip
  9. Diagnostics attached. On a side note, I am also unable to update unraid. The page is blank. Should I just manually copy paste the bz* files? Can this be done with server running? diagnostics-20240411-2108.zip
  10. In the MAIN view, one of the disks is showing 400 something errors, in the errors column after reads and writes. There is no disk disabled or anything. What is the process to clear this? As far as I remember I had run a parity check after this with write correction to disk enabled but this still shows.
  11. I downgraded manually from 6.12 to 6.11 because zerotier does not work properly on 6.12 Now after booting the docker containers are all stopped. If I try to manually start it says "Server Error Execution Error" How to fix this? Diag attached. diagnostics-20240319-2159.zip
  12. Sorry for being really dumb about this but my docker knowledge is very limited. The stack used is as below. Where do you think I could possibly retrieve the data from? And I hope I didnt overwrite the data since I have tried to start the stack since Any suggestions? version: "3" services: ztncui: image: keynetworks/ztncui container_name: ztncui environment: - USER_UID=99 #adjust to your system - USER_GID=100 #adjust to your system - NODE_ENV=production - HTTPS_PORT=3443 - ZTNCUI_PASSWD=******** #change this volumes: - ztncui:/opt/key-networks/ztncui/etc - zt1:/var/lib/zerotier-one ports: - 3443:3443 #dashboard port - 3180:3180
  13. I have reconnected using SATA. Everything seems to be restoring fine except the userdata of the container added to portainer using stacks, outside of unraid app store. Any idea where this might be stored? In the docker.img itself? When I try to copy back the old docker.img I had backed up, the web UI hangs. I can only create the new docker img but then old data is lost.
  14. Dockers disappeared again. akserver-diagnostics-20240125-1233.zip
  15. This is not related dorectly to unraid, but I would be glad if someone helped me out. I installed zerotier controller on unraid using stacks in portainer-ce docker installed from the unraid app store. Now when I restore from the appdata backup and reinstall portainer from user templates, portainer installs properly and also shows a stack called ztncui which is the correct one. But ideally there should have been networks etc which is the userdata of that container. But I cant see that. Any way to restore that? In additon to the backup created by appdata backup plugin I also have a copy of the appdata folder and docker.img saved away, in case that helps restore the data any better.
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