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Posts posted by Born8bit

  1. This got asked before but received no reply, so here we go again:


    Without any changes whatever, I can no longer add more than 1 torrent file at once - I can add single files over and over to the Add Window, that will work, but if I select 2 more files from the +File button and the file dialog, it will corrupt everything, all files show the same content and none of them will work.


    Nothing is logged since all I can do is abort. It's a minor thing, but still annoying.

  2. On 3/2/2023 at 10:30 PM, Nodiaque said:

    Did you check log and post them? Hard diagnose a problem that you can't reproduce. Are you using latest config? Did you check if the templates has changed? There was a lot of change in the last year in swag and other, some are breaking change if you never update your config. 


    The startup log will tell you when you have outdated config and deprecated fonction. 

    I did a major check at one point, all config files were in line with latest templates (they aren't anymore, but that's for services like bitwarden and it runs fine regardless).


    [migrations] started
    [migrations] 01-nginx-site-confs-default: skipped
    [migrations] done
    usermod: no changes
              _         ()
             | |  ___   _    __
             | | / __| | |  /  \
             | | \__ \ | | | () |
             |_| |___/ |_|  \__/
    Brought to you by linuxserver.io
    To support the app dev(s) visit:
    Certbot: https://supporters.eff.org/donate/support-work-on-certbot
    To support LSIO projects visit:
    User uid:    99
    User gid:    100
    using keys found in /config/keys
    Variables set:
    URL=### removed ###
    SUBDOMAINS=### removed ###
    EMAIL=### removed ###
    Using Let's Encrypt as the cert provider
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    SUBDOMAINS entered, processing
    Only subdomains, no URL in cert
    Sub-domains processed are:  -d ### removed ###
    E-mail address entered: ### removed ###
    http validation is selected
    Certificate exists; parameters unchanged; starting nginx
    The cert does not expire within the next day. Letting the cron script handle the renewal attempts overnight (2:08am).
    **** The following active confs have different version dates than the samples that are shipped. ****
    **** This may be due to user customization or an update to the samples. ****
    **** You should compare the following files to the samples in the same folder and update them. ****
    **** Use the link at the top of the file to view the changelog. ****
    │  old date  │  new date  │ path                                                                   │
    │ 2023-02-05 │ 2023-02-13 │ /config/nginx/proxy-confs/bitwarden.subdomain.conf                     │
    [custom-init] No custom files found, skipping...
    [ls.io-init] done.
    Server ready


    And as I said, it's not the point that it's not working - to the contrary, it's like A+.

    Once I hit the update button (which should not have anything to do with the config files in the appdata) the mentioned file will appear in the wrong directory again, I can move the file, it will work again .... rinse and repeat.


    I am by no means a docker expert, hardly an apprentice even, but this cannot be related to the .conf file above, or any other of the .conf files in this folder as none of them refer to the stream.conf file in any way.

  3. At this point, swag is driving me crazy ...

    After each update, I get this error message:

    nginx: [emerg] "stream" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/conf.d/stream.conf:3

    So I move the file like this:

    mv -v /etc/nginx/conf.d/stream.conf /etc/nginx/stream.d/

    and restart the docker, all is fine.

    Next update, same procedure - and I don't get it, how come this file always ends up where supposedly it's not supposed to be?

    I checked all the config files that were outdated, but none were related to stream.conf, most were just newer templates, I transitioned but keep getting the same problem.

  4. I know, the title is somewhat bait and I do apologize.

    But it's not easy to put in words, alas here I go:


    I made the step from a Xeon e3-1231v3 on an ASUS Z97 Pro Gamer to the Ryzen 5 1600AF on an AsRock B450 Pro 4, and despite it being the newer and according to numbers more potent system, things weren't smooth:

    • Getting the VM with GPU passthrough to run took a lot of time, HDMI sound was crackling until I did some MSI tweaking in the Windows VM which took care of 90% of the issues. Linux I could not get it to not sound crappy.
    • VMs experienced short stalls, like hitting CPU limit, but htop showed no such condition. Happened many times with no obvious reason (just browing websites in the Windows VM eg.)
    • on board sound could not be passed through due to being in a shared IOMMU group (despite ACS override)
    • USB soundcard was just like the HDMI sound, but this time no fix through MSI


    So after a lot of trying, asking and trying more, drinking and then trying crazy stuff I gave up and reverted.


    VM with GPU went up instantly, on board sound can be passed through and is almost perfect, USB not tested yet because not actually needed.


    So my question, is the B450 just a "bad" platform, would an X_70 board make things better or is Intel simply the better platform for unRAID? I am no side's shill, I run AMD on 3 game/surf/work machines in the house and they are great.


    As stated above, this is no request for tech support, rather getting feedback from others that had similar issues, B450 victims users preferred :)

  5. I think this might fit in here, although it's also a hardware related topic ... you tell me or move accordingly.


    Short intro: I was trying to move my server to a new mainboard, things went badly. (Xeon@Z97 -> Ryzen@B450)

    Long intro:

    After replacing the mainboard system started, array went up and I ended up with BTRFS errors. Things didn't make sense, I tried a different PCIe socket for the HBA, nothing helped. Today, my OCD kicked in and told me to get to the bottom of things, and I realized I never tried to start services step by step.

    So this is what I did (new system):

    • Start system (no auto-array)
    • Disable docker and VM
    • Start array, things look good.
    • Start docker, still all is well
    • Start VM service, and red alert it is.

    So I disabled the two VMs that are on auto start since I assumed they did something to my system, but to no avail.


    Then I renamed the old libvirt.img and had the system create a new one, and voila, there we are stable and sound.


    I have since then added all my VMs back to the system, apart from minor issues that are h/w related (cannot passthrough the onboard sound), everything works now, in fact I am currently typing on a VM that passes the primary GPU (GTX960) through, and that's usually what causes a major headache.

    So the conclusion is, if you are moving to an entirely different platform and are experiencing strange errors, check if it works with VM service disabled and if so, rename your libvirt.img and try again. If that doesn't help, you can easily revert, if it does, be as happy as I am now.


    Cheers to all the lovely people here.

  6. I have a VM with GPU passthrough running as a daily system, and all is fine (internet works, can access unRAUD GUI), but when it comes to dockers on the host machine, it's a split thing:

    • Some I can reach just fine, like Krusader, Deluge, Prowlarr (all on bridge, running host IP with their port).
    • Others, like TinyMM, MKVToolNix show their top bar with a "Server disconnected (code:1006)" red X.


    Docker log will show this:



    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Got connection from client

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 other clients:

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Got 'ws' WebSockets handshake

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Got protocol: binary

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 - webSocketsHandshake: using binary/raw encoding

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 - WebSockets client version hybi-13

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Disabled X server key autorepeat.

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 to force back on run: 'xset r on' (3 times)

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 incr accepted_client=3 for sock=11

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 webSocketsDecodeHybi: got frame without mask

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 rfbProcessClientProtocolVersion: read: I/O error

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 client_count: 0

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Restored X server key autorepeat to: 1

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Client gone

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Statistics events Transmit/ RawEquiv ( saved)

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 TOTALS : 0 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 Statistics events Received/ RawEquiv ( saved)

    14/08/2022 06:15:16 TOTALS : 0 | 0/ 0 ( 0.0%)



    The fact that all dockers above have the same network type, the same IP and only different ports and will still not connect the same way doesn't make sense to me. Also I don't know if this is a docker issue or a VM issue, so I went to General.


    Might be worth mentioning that the VM has it's own IP and all other machines on my network can access all of the dockers without issue.

  7. As I said, the rest of the system (PSU, HBA, cables, HDD & SSD drives) remains the same, only the Mainboard/CPU/RAM was swapped. When mounting all drives as unassigned devices there were no issues either, this happens right the moment I hit the "Start Array" button. Swapping back to the old Mainboard, all is well.

    This new Mainboard/CPU/RAM was my daily system for about a year, it just works(tm), and it worked as a test setup.

    If I didn't have the stable system to compare with, I might come to the same conclusion, but I have, and I am not going easy on it so it is "burnt in". PSU is a 600W beQuiet modular, if that helps.

    That's the main issue, on their own, all parts work, but can't be combined.

  8. Hi, I didn't know how to put this in a real short title and yet preserve the issue, so here's the long version:


    I have a running system, specs are:

    Z97 ASUS mainboard with Xeon CPU

    24GB RAM

    Broadcom / LSI SAS2008 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 (DELL H310)

    4+1 disk Array (xfs)

    1 SSD cache (btrfs)

    2 HDD pool (btrfs)

    Been using this setup for years, there are no crashes and no issues.




    But now I have my old Ryzen+Mainboard sitting idle, so I'm thinking that's the chance to upgrade:

    B450 MSI mainboard, Ryzen 5 1600AF (2600)

    16 GB RAM


    I tested this setup with retired HDDs (onboard SATA) and a trial USB key, ran for days, Quadro passed through for VM, all fine.


    But as soon as I merge both systems (except the old test-drives, that is), bit hits the fan, see attached log. The cache pool HDDs go first, then the array, all drives end up in unassigned devices although cannot be mounted (grey button "Array"). Given enough idle time, they even get disabled, had to redo the array at this point, although no data was lost and  ...

    ... when I undo and use the Xeon system, everything returns to normal - and I have no clue what that is.

    I can start the system without array, mount drives as unassigned, no issues, but once I proper start it that's it.




    Just when things are weird, here's another one to make it even better:


     I made this test setup for science:

    B450 M/B + Ryzen

    LSI Controller

    Some nVME SSD for Cache

    2 old retired HHDs (same as above)


    Launched it, and it ran just fine. So the old system works, the new system works without drives, with other drives, with LSI controller and other drives, just not with my drives.

    Can this be caused by any Plugin or VM, although I am pretty sure I tried safe mode also at some point.


    Will gladly take any hint, at this point I am sticking to the old system till it dies and then who knows.

  9. It's neither nor, actually (this works for me, might work for you):

    - Open the VNC windows, copy URL.

    - Open private window on same browser

    - Paste URL, Enter, log in, paste URL again, works.

    - ???


    No clue, either cookies or whatnot messing with things

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