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Everything posted by Darc

  1. Out of curiosity, does anyone else have experience with this? I'm in exactly the same boat here. My logs show nothing and I have scoured the forums looking for solutions. The array stops after a period of time when the drives are in use. that period of time is essentially random. It could be an hour, It could be a minute. I have swapped my PSU, flash drive, Mobo, Processor, ram, cables and even the one drive with the most errors but it still kills the array mid rebuild. The only thing I haven't swapped out is the HBA and tbh i'm out of cash thanks to effctively buying 2 servers worth of equipment trying to fix this thing. It was solid for about a year before this happened. Before I take out a loan to buy some drives and build a whole new NAS running a different OS I want to try fix this thing. Any help at all would be welcome.
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