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  1. Oh I didn't know that was a feature! I will try the first thing you said. Thank you! I have actually looked into the CA Auto Backup app. It looks great and it would probably work amazing. If it weren't for this line Really don't want to stop the minecraft server for every backup. Mostly because I do a 2 backups a day and the downtime will be quite substantial if it restarts every time. Thanks for the tip though! Best regards EDIT: Clarification in last paragraph
  2. Hello people! I build my first Unraid Server a few months ago and I am really happy with it! Have yet to get some big drives for actual media storage. Right now it is mainly being used as a docker hub for some Minecraft servers. I will do my best to keep it short and informational. All of my dockers are installed on my Cache drive. I have installed a Minecraft server with this docker ( through Community Apps. I have installed a few plugins on the minecraftserver and a special backup-plugin that does a backup of the server every so often. It currently saves the backups of the minecraftserver in the docker itself. But my cache drive is kinda small so I would like to save the backup on the Array instead. This backup plugin has the possibility to save a backup through FTP. What I would like to do is to either; - If possible, FTP from my docker on the Unraidserver into the Unraidserver to the array and save the backup there on a path like /mnt/user/backups/minecraftserver/ - If possible, just change the filepath to be something like /mnt/user/backups/minecraftserver/ instead of saving it in the docker. I have tried the FTP thing myself but haven't been able to get it working. It works to FTP from my other computer but not from within Unraid itself. The other thing i have not yet tried. So my questions is: 1. Is it possible to FTP to the Unraid server from within the Unraid server? I feel like it won't work but I want to check with people who actually knows things! 2. Inside a docker, could I just change a filepath to /mnt/user/xxxx and it should work? Or does the Docker's block it in some way? The current filepath for saving my backups is "'plugins/eBackup/backups'", where plugins is a folder inside the docker's "first layer". Thanks in advance and sorry if the post is cluttered or unclear in any way. EDIT: Removed un-needed parentheses and made a few lines a bit clearer