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  1. cheers that's really helpful. I've tried swap but unfortunately (and stupidly) made an array with my cache so can't do swap yet but if it keeps causing issues I'll get a disk to add for this Thanks
  2. Just wondering if anyone has any insights on my out of memory error? It might be I just need more RAM as I run a lot of dockers? Thanks for any advice. let me know if any more of the diagnostics are needed Thanks sandy-diagnostics-20230802-1215.zip
  3. Thanks for your replies and not tearing me a new one… just realised what a nooby question it was! Must’ve been very tired! Got it all working now
  4. Both the Nginx docker and VM would need 80 and 443 though so I’m not sure how I achieve that?
  5. Hi Not sure if this is even possible but I want to enable forwarding for a VM and also other docker containers using nginx proxy manager. I’ve used it for dockers only before but unsure how I would go about using it for a VM. My use case is running ubuntu server as a VM with Nexcloud VM (it just works better for my use case in terms of setting up talk etc than docker versions) and then using docker for a jellyfin server but all using my domain Apologies for the nooby mix ups of terminology that I'm sure I have. I'm new to unraid and networking and trying to move away from my linode setup to my own hosted setup slowly but surely
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