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Posts posted by te5s3rakt

  1. 15 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Nope seems pretty standard your setup.

    I really can‘t help, this happened once to me and shouldn‘t happen every time you restart/start the container.

    If it happens all the time something with your setup is definitely wrong but I can‘t tell for sure what.


    Do you scrub the pool from time to time?


    Can't say I have. At least not manually. Unless it automatically happened at some point. But it's not even scheduled, so... I'd say never been scrubbed perhaps.

  2. On 7/13/2024 at 4:57 PM, ich777 said:

    I'm not sure if everyone has this issue, I only had that happen once to me.

    odd odd odd. well that is a grelim then 🤷‍♂️


    On 7/13/2024 at 4:57 PM, ich777 said:

    May I ask what kind of storage do you have and where the container data is located on?

    my app storage is on a RAID1 pool of 2 x 2TB Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVME's, on BTRFS.

    the output directory for anything that's downloaded is the array, via a single 2TB 870 EVO SATA SSD cache drive. plenty of room on the cache, so the array has never required to be directly written.


    server stays up 24/7. only time i reboot is to update unraid, which is usually 3-6 months post the update landing. this partly just in case an update ships with a bug, but tbh mostly because i try to avoid reboots like the plague. my supermicro X11SCA-F is an absolute mofo when rebooting, or booting after it was shutdown minutes prior. apparently they weren't a great board. wish I knew that before I got it lol.


    could there be a clue in all that?

  3. On 5/29/2022 at 4:38 PM, ich777 said:

    If anything breaks again take a look at this: Click


    Or what I would recommend:

    1. Stop the container
    2. Delete the files "Core.jar" & "JDownloader.jar" and the folders "tmp" & "update" from your jdownloader2 directory
    3. Start the container again


    Since this happens frequently, I wonder if it's worth adding something to the container on start. Something like "delete files if greater than 30 days old"?


    Because it's literally not a matter of if, but when, this error will return. And it seems to be quite regular.

  4. On 2/25/2024 at 5:30 AM, noties said:


    You probably want to look at this: https://github.com/alexjustesen/speedtest-tracker/releases/tag/v0.16.0


    It looks like your data just got moved to another table.


    this looks like it was the issue. confused about the missing data I went digging through all the tables and found the one mentioned. thinking it was odd, I checked through recent release notes and found this.


    crisis averted lol

  5. Running this we get the below message.




    RedisInsight version 1.X has been retired on April 30, 2023, and will no longer be supported.

    To continue using the best RedisInsight features and capabilities, download the latest RedisInsight version 2.Y.



    Not sure how out of date Docker Hub is, but looks like the latest report for Insight is actually here: https://github.com/RedisInsight/RedisInsight


    Any chance of getting the Unraid image updated?

  6. On 7/1/2023 at 4:18 PM, ich777 said:

    Anyways I think that this is not possible with the go client since they are using some kind of their own protocoll an top of VNC and even if you set a password in the container it won‘t change anything IIRC (a user a few years back had the same request and he switched to RealVNC).

    Noted. I'll stick to RealVNC then :)


    On 7/1/2023 at 4:18 PM, ich777 said:

    I think you can configure this but I really don‘t know how to do this since I don‘t own a MAC.

    Thanks. I did a little digging based your advice. Looks like the remapping is limited in this respect for RealVNC.


    Is there a way to perhaps remap the keys into the container?

  7. 59 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Please try another client like RealVNC, this should work fine IIRC.

    RealVNC appears to work without a password. So that's good. On a Mac though, it doesn't appear to map the Command key as Ctrl, So I'm unable to Cmd+V the clipboard into the jdownloader session :S

    Since "Screen Sharing" is the inbuilt MacOS VNC client, wonder if that will pass keyboard shortcuts through properly?

    1 hour ago, ich777 said:

    I think that go Connect uses another protocol or at least always requires a password.

    How would I set a password to give the native client a go?

  8. I must be missing a step. I'm trying to use the inbuilt MacOS VNC Client (Screen Sharing) to connect to my jDownloader docker.


    I found a post in this thread mentioning to create a new variable on the container exposing port 5900. I've done that.


    But I still can't connect to it. I input my [IP]:[PORT] into the VNC Client, and go Connect. Then I'm prompted for a password. I've set none, so I just leave this blank and click Sign In, and then it just hangs at "connecting" for ages, and nothing happens. I'm at a loss 🤷‍♂️

  9. On 12/20/2022 at 2:31 AM, adminmat said:


    I've been using this successfully for a X10 Supermicro for years. Just today I noticed all the sensors are missing except for the HDD. And the fan controls have no effect. It all used to work great. Did you find a solution? 

    never did find a solution 😞


    i'm about to change over all my fans, and add a bunch more, so figured i'd just worry about it when i do that lol

  10. is there a way to use this plug to automatically reapply a split level for a share.


    so i can find a way to say select a tv show, and then move that to a single disk.


    but what if it wanted to shuffle all tv shows so that each shows seasons are huddled together single disks? but all shows are distributed evenly (as close as they're able that is) across the array.

  11. I’ve running a SuperMicro X11SCA-F, and I’ve installed this plugin, but none of the sensors show in the dashboard.

    Only one that shows is one HDD temp sensor.

    Under the settings I’ve selected Motherboard = Supermicro, and Model = X11.


    Am I missing something else? Perhaps in the config to map the sensors?

  12. 1 hour ago, Mex said:

    Already made!

    And I have previously talker about hos they are made (I’m using Sketch)



    Amazing. I’ll admit, I only scanned through maybe half the previous pages 🤦‍♂️

    Incredible work!


    Cool, thanks. I’ll check it out 😀

  13. Love these icons :)


    I’d like to throw one in for consideration. The Fractal Design Meshify 2. I know the Define series is pretty popular among basic home server builders, but I suspect the Meshify, now that its literally the Define with a Meshify front for better cooling, will become the new favourite.




    Icon wise, I think something from this perspective would do it justice (perhaps slightly higher so the front panel could be visible?). The Meshify has a pretty distinctive front mesh panel, so ultimately I believe the trick will be getting that part right to present something clearly Meshify.




    PS. Out of curiosity, how do you do these? I’d be interested in perhaps giving some a shot.

  14. I’m about to pick up this board, a Xeon E-2226G, and a LSI 9300-8i HBA card. No dGPU.

    Plan is to use the iGPU with Plex/Emby for Hardware Transcoding.

    And since the my box is going to be headless, in a tech closet, it’s not going to be easy to access for maintenance, so needed a way to access BIOS settings and boot options (power on/off, etc.). So figure that’s IPMI.


    I’m reasonably tech savy, but haven’t build a PC in probably 10 years, so must admit, got a little lost following the thread above.


    Will I able to achieve what I want with this setup?


    Note: I chose this board specifically because I wanted a C246 chipset, DDR4-2666 support, IPMI and 2 x M.2.

  15. I’ve been planning a new NAS (replacing a Synology unit), and was toying between TrueNAS and Unraid.

    TrueNAS was very appealing at first, due to ZFS. As mentioned above, it looks very shinny to new users as it looks like it can do no wrong.

    All this talk of bit rot scares me. Some people are 100% “it’s real, protect your shit or definitely loose it”. Then I’m all panicked, and change my mind to TrueNAS. But then I read other’s counter posts, and they’re all “it’s not really a thing on modern hardware, get ECC RAM, stop panicking, and call it a day”. Both camps make good points 🤷‍♂️.

    This is why I got out of PC gaming and brought an Xbox a decade ago. Tech can be so opinion based sometimes lol 🤦‍♂️.

    Ultimately though, I believe I’ve settled on Unraid. I’m so over “managing” the tech in my house, and Unraid sounds stupid simple to use. I just want to power something on, boot up plex/emby, and let it do it’s thing. The last two NAS’s I’ve had over the last 8 years have been synology units, and I literally probably logged into their respective GUI’s maybe half dozen times between them.


    Mmm, I do think about that sweet ZFS though 🤔.

    Was considering running this plugin to get the best of both worlds. I wonder what Unraid official support will look like though? How will it work? And is it worth just waiting for that?

    Think that’ll literally just copy this plugin into installer, and call it “officially supported” now?

    Or do we think it’ll be implemented another way. Not sure they’ve mentioned how they’ll support it, only that they’re looking at it hey?

  16. 16 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    That's the low end for a single stream, multiple streams from the same disk can get slower due to random access, you'd need to test to see how many streams it can handle.


    Yes, usually around 115MB/s usable.

    Cool. Sound’s like, even mostly assuming worst cases, unraid will still meets my requirements. I’d need a perfect storm of negative circumstances at the same time to start getting stuttering in the volume of streams I’d concurrently have running (likely 4 tops, because 4 TVs, 2 of which at 1080p anyway, but planning to upgrade them to 4K at some point).


    Thanks. That sets my mind at ease.

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