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Posts posted by JamieV

  1. 8 hours ago, Xaero said:

    These best practices do come with a caveat, using brute force alone, a 12 character password consisting of only upper and lower case English alphabet characers would take just over two years to crack on a single RTX6000. This time more or less scales downward linearly with the number of GPUs you add. This is just brute force. Rainbow table based dictionary attacks can throw the entire English dictionary and all documented first, last, middle, and pet names at the problem in a fraction of that time, and then start concatenating them together for additional attempts. 

    The best practices assume a well designed validation model. Per-user time delay login attempt lockouts (Too many failed attempts! Try again in 15 minutes!) increases the time to crack exponentially. 2FA also practically eliminates brute force as an attack vector. 

    P.S. @ljm42 the site you linked would seem to suggest that cracking even just a 12 characer Upper/Lowercase password is sufficiently complex for most users. It's using some pretty outdated data that doesn't take GPU compute into account, or rainbow tables though.


    Yes, you're correct but as you also say this is only really for brute force which assumes you have lost your password DB. Most attacks are either phishing or spray attacks now using compromised passwords.


  2. 15 hours ago, ljm42 said:

    > Drop complexity requirements


    We realize that complexity requirements are controversial. But upper/lower/number doesn't seem that harsh? The good news is that phrases still work, you just need to tweak them slightly. Here is a site that shows how poor an all lowercase 12 character password is, and the value of using a larger character set:



    It is not controversial, it is wrong. You calculator is just that, a calculator that states how many combinations there are available. Unfortunately, by enforcing complexity you have just removed any password from the available pool that does not meet your complexity requirements and drastically reduced the amount of time needed. However, this is pretty moot now as brute force password cracking is only really available once the password DB has been obtained. Most online compromises are now performed by using password breach lists (Password spray attacks) so checking that passwords are not on a breach list is really important - you are not doing this. The password Mississippi1 complies to your complexity rules and can be set as a password but it exists in the top 100 most common passwords. 


    Removing complexity makes passwords easier to remember and encouraging pass phrases makes passwords easier to remember and harder to crack. Users mostly do the same thing when they create a password with complexity, they add a number to the end, or a ! and the bad actors know this. 


    What can you do to improve:

    • Add federation to allow user of Google, Microsoft or Apple accounts to signin - one less password for a user to remember and these companies are very good at security. 
    • Enable passkeys - The next gen in internet security
    • Add compromised password checking - use a service such as https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/v3#PwnedPasswords which will stop any compromised password being set and therefore drastically reducing the success of password spray attacks.
    • Remove complexity to increase the available number of passwords and make them easier to remember.


    Side note, happy to sell you some consultancy  on this ;-) 



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  3. Why on earth are you implementing archaic complexity requirements? Do you not follow the best practices for Identity - password complexity DOES NOT improve security, in fact there is strong evidence to prove it weakens security. 


    Please, please, please, follow best practices:

    Use a minimum password length of at least 12 and maximum at least 64

    Drop complexity requirements

    Check passwords against a compromised password list (e.g. haveibeenpwned.com)

    Encourage the use of pass phrases. "robot banana gunmetal" is a lot more secure than "Pa$$w0rd1" which meets your complexity rules - https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords


    Don't just take my word for it though:



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