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Posts posted by Tom_VSP

  1. Hi


    I've been running an Unraid system for a while now, and while I love to thinker with these kind of things, I just can't find the time to set it up properly. But I do need it to work properly, as I'm relying on the data to be available at all times.

    So instead of postponing the idea to figure out everything myself, I'm looking for somebody that can do it for me.


    Anybody on here that can provide this kind of (remote) assistance? Preferably somebody in Europe, as that would make invoicing much easier.



  2. On 4/23/2022 at 5:51 PM, Squid said:

    No.  It has to be via the internet (or you manually place it [appropriately named] within /var/lib/docker/unraid/images)  Once it successfully downloads it though, it is stored within the docker.img and the URL is never accessed again unless you change the URL

    Is this still possible once a container has been created? I manage all my containers with Portainer. So all containers have a '?' icon. The dashboard would look better if they all have a nice icon :)

  3. 21 minutes ago, mgutt said:

    But don't forget: Files aren't "synced" between cache pool and array. Files are permanently on the cache OR moved to the array. That's why the default cache setting for appdata is "prefer", which means "files are permanently on cache".

    Aha, didn't know that. So when does it decide to move data to the drives?


    Can you do these backups of the cache on the hard disk array as well, or does it need to be separate?

  4. 1 minute ago, mgutt said:

    This is how unRAID works. Spinning down delay must be set through the Disk Settings.


    Ok, that's good to know!


    But am I correct that spinning down delay is the delay for the drives to turn off after no activity? Is what I am looking for not a 'spin up delay'?

  5. Hi guys


    I started this thread on Reddit, but if I'm really considering Unraid, it might be better to ask for information over here.


    Basically what I'm looking for is a large storage that is always accessible, but only a small amount needs to be directly available.

    I read through the topic @mgutt created, and it seems that getting all hardware to power down as much as possible is possible.


    But is it possible to configure Unraid such that it uses (redundant) cache all the time, and only periodically syncs this to the drives? It would then only need to spin up the drives if I want to access something that is not available in cache.


    What I'm worried about the most is that I have some containers running that constantly add data to databases. If these are using the cache, and the cache keeps the drives spinning, they will just be powered on for 24/7.


    Any tips on how or if this could be addressed?


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