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  1. The result for /usr/bin/timeout 1 bash -c '(echo >/dev/tcp/PLUTO/2049) &>/dev/null'; echo $? is 1 The result for /usr/bin/timeout 1 bash -c '(echo >/dev/tcp/PLUTO.LOCAL/2049) &>/dev/null'; echo $? is 124 Let me know if you need anything else
  2. The Pluto server is the other unraid server that I am trying to connect to via NFS/SMB. The share name is "Mass Dick" as it is my 12TB+ array.
  3. Hello, Not too sure what happened but after a reboot I am no longer able to have my remote shares connected on either of my servers. I tried NFS and SMB. I also removed and re added the shares as well as uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin. Could be something simple that I missed but I posted the diagnostics below for my main server. ud_diagnostics-20240507-065223.zip
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