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Everything posted by Insomnia

  1. Sorry I gave up on trying to make that work and saw it was last updated about a year ago... so I looked for something a bit newer and was wondering if this is something that can be installed on unraid via docker... or does it have to many dependencies? https://github.com/CTFd/CTFd
  2. Hi, I'm having trouble understanding how to get docker working for an app I'd like to use. https://github.com/IRS-Cybersec/ctf_platform I tried using docker-compose-manager and modifying the .yaml file but kept running into road blocks. Maybe someone can toss me a bone, it might be something easy but I don't know after kicking at this for a couple hours. I'm really trying to avoid having to spin up an ubuntu vm to install something that could most likely work native or with compose.
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