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Everything posted by amura11

  1. Back in October I got hit with a Ransomware attack as I had my shares open the internet temporarily. I now know how dumb that was and am taking steps to improve my security. At the time I noticed files with messages saying my data had been encrypted so I spot checked some of my files and verified my system was running ok. It seemed that my permission settings had prevented the attackers from doing anything other than creating these message files. Or so I thought. Due to stupidity my VM data was accessible via SMB and had full read/write permissions (I don't know why tf I had it setup that way) and the attackers encrypted the virtual disk of my one VM. I didn't find this out until I rebooted my system for the first time in 4 months the other day and noticed the VM wasn't working. Somehow the VM ran for months without issues despite the disk being encrypted. Is it possible the unencrypted data is sitting around somewhere? If the VM kept working all that time it must have been storing data somewhere and if it is it would be great to recover it. If not, it's not the end of the world, I have backups but unfortunately it took so long to notice I have to go back 4 months.
  2. I'm guessing that after the mover has run and moved everything I can set it back to Only and it'll work the way I want it to?
  3. After some reading and contemplation I realized I was going about this totally the wrong way. Trying to get Docker to behave like Proxmox was the big mistake here. There appears there are ways to expose a Docker network so that external computers can access the containers by hostname by proxy-ing DNS through the Docker network. That doesn't solve the DHCP issue though. The real solution was to not do that at all. I ended up creating a custom bridge network in Docker and put my containers on that network. This allows the containers to reach each other by their container name (as long as they are on the same network). This makes setting up services that reference each other (like the various *arrs) much easier. To access my containers on my LAN/WAN I used reverse proxies for most services and for the few services I wanted to directly access locally (such as streaming services) I forwarded their ports to the host and access them that way. Coming from Proxmox put me in the wrong headspace and after wrapping my head around unRAID/Docker it made things way clearer and ultimately way easier.
  4. I made a bonehead move and miss-configured a few of my shares. I had my downloads share going to my array with no cache when really I wanted it to go to one of my cache pools. I changed it but I wasn't sure what effect that would have on the share. Will the data that was but on the array previously be moved to the pool? If not, is there anyway to fix that?
  5. I think I'm going about this wrong. What I want to be able to do, it it's possible, is to be able to connect to my containers via hostname both by other containers and by other devices on my network. Using the br0 network I'm able to connect to the containers using their IP addresses (how that's working I can only guess is magic) but I'm not able to connect using the hostname. Or I just don't know what the hostname is and this is all working.
  6. I'll preface this with: I'm moving to unRAID from Proxmox and I have some Docker experience but when it comes to unRAID I'm a dumb. I have my local network segregated into different partitions for different purposes (I manage this by hand). For example is where I keep all my servers (via static DCHP leases) and is where I have all my regular DHCP leases. When I was using Proxmox I would start a new VM/Container, let it grab a DHCP lease, then converted that lease to a static lease. If I needed my VMs/Containers to talk to each other I would use hostnames to facilitate that. Is it possible to do this using Docker in unRAID? I know Docker can have it's own internal networks but I want to be able to connect to my containers via other devices on my network and not have to share the hosts ports. Looking at the Docker settings it looked like the br0 network that is setup might be able to do this. However, when I tried using this network the IP assigned to my container was not one in the range of my DHCP leases. If I use the br0 network will hostnames work? And one final noob question, what is the hostname of a container/app? Is it just it's name? I appreciate any help, unRAID looks like it'll be awesome once I can wrap my brain around some of these concepts.
  7. I managed to get both drives working by doing a pre-clear on both of them. Is a pre-clear always required?
  8. I tried running blkdiscard on both drives and it didn't seem to help. I wasn't sure the order to do it in though. I tried running the commands then restarting the array. I also tried running the commands when the array was stopped then starting it up and the only difference that made was I now get: I tried formatting after that and that puts me back into my original problem state.
  9. Sorry, should have read the read me first... unRAID Version: 6.9.2 2021-04-07 Hardware: Mobo: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. PRIME X470-PRO CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 RAM: 48Gb HBA: LSI 9211 8i (flashed to IT mode) A note in the diagnostics, one of the HDDs has a bunch of errors, I'm not using it in my array I just haven't had a chance to figure out which drive it is to disconnect it. clow-diagnostics-20220324-1102.zip
  10. I'm in the process of setting up an unRAID server and I'm having an issue with 2 of my drives. I have the drives setup in two different pools, both pools are setup with 1 device in each pool and I've set the filesystem to xfs. 1 drive is small NVMe drive and the other is a SATA drive. Both are M.2 drives. These aren't new drives, they were previously in the server and being used to run Proxmox. As far as I know these drives were working before I installed unRAID (it's possible I somehow killed both of them during my migration to unRAID but that seems pretty unlikely). I've tried formatting both drives through the UI multiple times and erasing the drives and nothing seems to help. I tried running the xfs_repair on both but that didn't help. The NVMe drive gave the following output: The SATA drive gave the following output I didn't wait for it to finish finding the secondary block, I cancelled it early. I don't even know where to begin with this issue. I'm completely new to unRAID but I've used Linux for a while so I'm comfortable getting down and dirty with the shell if I need to. Any help getting this fixed would be really appreciated, I really want to get unRAID going on my server.
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