Grupo TecnoBravo

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  1. Special thanks. Doing these steps we have managed to install it with the UnRaid terminal. Here is how to reset the AIO instance properly: Stop all containers if they are running from the AIO interface Stop the mastercontainer with sudo docker stop nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer If the domaincheck container is still running, stop it with sudo docker stop nextcloud-aio-domaincheck Check which containers are stopped: sudo docker ps --filter "status=exited" Now remove all these stopped containers with sudo docker container prune Delete the docker network with sudo docker network rm nextcloud-aio Check which volumes are dangling with sudo docker volume ls --filter "dangling=true" Now remove all these dangling volumes: sudo docker volume prune (on Windows you might need to remove some volumes afterwards manually with docker volume rm nextcloud_aio_backupdir, docker volume rm nextcloud_aio_nextcloud_datadir). Also if you've configured NEXTCLOUD_DATADIR to a path on your host instead of the default volume, you need to clean that up as well. Optional: You can remove all docker images with sudo docker image prune -a. And you are done! Now feel free to start over with the recommended docker run command!