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Posts posted by drwtrippy

  1. So my ATS docker started rebooting non-stop today with the following error - *** ERROR *** : [MP] Error: Steam log on failed - code 18 .

    I have literally changed nothing. Could this be related to the recent Oklahoma DLC release? It was spiking my cores like crazy.

    Also @ich777how does a guy buy ya a beer around here?

  2. 19 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Then the ports to the outside world are definitely closed or something else is going on.



    Did you also change the ports in the template or read the description from the ports at the template?

    If you change the ports in the config you also have to delete the existing ports in the template and create new ones with the Host and container port set to the same as in your config, of course in this case with UDP.

    Yes I did change all appropriate ports within the container. As I said, it was working fine before I replaced the firewall. Just upgraded to a beefier pfsense firewall. nothing else has changed. just not sure why it's not passing. Even locally it isn't accessible. Was hoping maybe someone might have an idea or two i can explore. ***EDIT*** So I sorted it out. Turns out to be an issue with the port checker. I added the following line to the *dedicatedserver.cfg* - "SkipNetworkAccessibilityTest": true This resolved the issue. It's clearly a NAT issue at this point. Other users have reported switching to PURE NAT on their router also resolves it (I haven't personally tested this). Hope this helps someone in the future.

  3. Ok I'm alittle stuck here with ***Sons of the Forest***. The docker was working fire before i installed a new firewall and now the docker gives the following.


    #DSE [Self-Tests] [Networking] UDP GamePort [8768] is closed. Please fix and restart.
    #DSE [Self-Tests] [Networking] UDP QueryPort [27080] is closed. Please fix and restart.
    #DSE [Self-Tests] [Networking] UDP BlobSyncPort [9701] is closed. Please fix and restart.
    #DSE [Self-Tests] [Networking] Some ports are closed or already in use and the game server will not be accessible. You may need to setup port forwarding and open them in your firewall, or change port numbers if they are used by some other software. Alternatively, consider using the LanOnly configuration if you didn't intend to make your server public. Please fix and restart.
    #DSE [Self-Tests] Please restart the server.


    I know the ports are open and forwarded right. I just can't seem to pin it down. 


  4. 16 hours ago, ich777 said:

    Seems to be correct.

    896660 -beta public-test -betapassword "yesimadebackups"


    What does the log say? Did you enable valdiation in the template too? Was the dedicated server already installed on those servers?

    I sorted it out. There's a version bug in the latest build (217.5). it's really wonky too. I cannot connect via direct external IP or the ingame browser, It just give "Server is running older version and is not compatible". However here's the weird part...I can connect thru my FQD which resolves to the same external IP as well as i am able to connect via the direct lan IP, so the issue is clearly on their end.

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  5. On 11/22/2022 at 1:52 PM, ich777 said:

    Copy this into the GAME_ID variable:

    896660 -beta public-test -betapassword yesimadebackups

    and set validate to true.

    After the container pulled the update (open the logs and wait that the contianer fully started) please stop it again and disable valdiation in the template again.

    For some reason i cannot get this to work with Valheim Dedi, i even tried new containers and different machines and still it refuses to install the beta version. Any thoughts?

  6. On 2/3/2023 at 3:58 PM, UtahDeLorean said:

    @DannyG I had a situation where I was formatting bigger drives that I got. I got the 1st drive formatted and swapped out a drive that was tossing out error's.

    I was on the 2nd drive and it was running over night and when I check it the window was closed.

    I put in the 3rd drive and the window crashed/closed while I was watching it... When I tried to run the format line again I get this



    Does this mean that the format is still going or did I do something wrong? I have only complete 1 out of the 5 drives that I picked up. (I already did this on 4 other drives I purchased before with out any problems like this)


    Did you ever get this sorted out? I have one drive that is throwing this same error.

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