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Posts posted by Rhuarc

  1. In my rack I currently have an Unraid server and an Opensense router running on their own hardware.


    I am looking for a KVM switch that would work for switching a mouse, monitor and keyboard that I have installed next to the rack between the systems.  I am hoping it would be one that would allow all 3 to work even during the bootup process to be able to access BIOS for any of the connected systems.


    It would also be nice if it had 3 total inputs so I have room for a spare if I need to troubleshoot other systems without needing to disconnect my main 2 machines.  I currently have a VGA KVM, but it doesn't seem to work with Unraid.  At least nothing comes up on the screen, albeit I am needing to use a VGA to DVI to Displayport adapter because the video card in the Unraid system does not have VGA out capability, so maybe that is the problem?


    Anyway, thanks in advance!

  2. I'm sure this has been covered in these 400 pages, but for the life of me I cannot get my exact situation to work.  I followed SpaceInvaderOne's guide and setup the -arr's to all run through the delugevpn container which works great.  I am now trying to setup Sabnzbd but not have it run though the vpn.  I cannot get any of the -arrs to add it as a downloader.


    I have added both 8080 and the mapped ports from Sabnzbd in the VPN OUTPUT PORTS in the Deluge-vpn container

    I have tried using localhost, my server ip, and the container ip for Sabnzbd with all 3 of the ports (8080 and the 2 mapped inside of Sabnzbd) and nothing will allow Sonarr, Radarr, or Prowlarr to connect to it and add it as a downloader.




    Thanks all!

  3. Hello,


    I have been using the same motherboard for my setup for a long time with the internal Gb NIC and it has worked fine.  Today I had trouble accessing the GUI from the network.  I checked and it seemed the internal NIC wasn't registering.  I tried installing a PCI-E 2.5Gb NIC that I had on hand, and that isn't working either.  The only thing that is currently working is using a USB dongle.  To get that to work though I had to basically replace all the files on my flash drive.  I am wondering if someone can take a look at my diagnostics and give me some ideas on why not 1 but 2 internal NICS are suddenly not working when they have both worked in the past?


    Thank you!



  4. syslog


    Here is a syslog that includes the crashes I think.


    The recurring thing I am seeing that I think might be the problem is this line:


    May 10 18:49:56 GALAXY kernel: caller _nv000651rm+0x1ad/0x200 [nvidia] mapping multiple BARs
    May 10 18:49:57 GALAXY kernel: resource sanity check: requesting [mem 0x000c0000-0x000fffff], which spans more than PCI Bus 0000:00 [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff window]
    May 10 18:49:57 GALAXY kernel: caller _nv000651rm+0x1ad/0x200 [nvidia] mapping multiple BARs
    May 10 18:49:58 GALAXY kernel: resource sanity check: requesting [mem 0x000c0000-0x000fffff], which spans more than PCI Bus 0000:00 [mem 0x000c0000-0x000dffff window]


    It keeps repeating like this over and over again I believe around the time that the server crashes.


    Edit:  I found this thread that talks about it possibly being related to BIOS low power states?  Seems weird since I haven't changed anything with the server other than upgrading to 6.12.  Previously it was rock solid.



    Any help is greatly appreciated!  THank you in advance!


  5. EDIT:  Literally 5 minutes after I typed this I found a setting on the travel router called DNS Rebinding Attack Protection. I disabled this and now all is working correctly. I have no idea why this only prevented the unraid gui from working and allowed the docker containers, but there it is.  I thought I would mark this solved and leave it up so if anyone else comes upon a similar issue this might help.



    I have been using Wireguard on both my phone and on my laptop to access the unraid gui and multiple docker containers and it has been working fine.  I recently got a travel router (GL-MT13000) that supports wireguard and I thought I would try setting that up to access the network and GUI instead of using the client on the phone or laptop.


    I created another peer connection in wireguard server on unraid that duplicates the other 2, then setup the connection on the travel router.  It handshakes correctly and connects and I can access the internet and docker containers, but I cannot access the unraid GUI.  


    Any thoughts?  I have triple checked that the settings are identical between the 3 clients and the 3 peer settings on the server.  I have the static route setup on my home router, I have Local NAT set to NO.  The Travel Router peer network uses 192.168.8.x instead of the unraid network that is 192.168.1.x.


    I am at a loss. I have been troubleshooting for 3 hours and still nothing.

    Thanks everyone!

  6. I think I made a mistake.


    In preparation for Valve releasing Steam peer to peer downloading (hopefully) I created a Windows 10 VM and installed Steam to it and started downloading all of my games to it.  I set the VM size to be 6TB to make sure I had enough room for all the games.  After I started downloading all the games I suddenly noticed m cache filling up and the VM pausing.  I invoked the Mover thinking it had broken.  Once the Cache got to 50% I unpaused the VM.  The cache immediately filled right back up again.


    I am assuming that I should not have just increased the size of the VM image to 6TB and instead should have mounted an unRAID share somehow inside of the Windows VM and installed the games to that and set the share to Cache NO.




    Thanks everyone!

  7. I am looking to change out my motherboard for one that had more pcie lanes. I need to be able to run 2 gpu in x16 slots (1 for a steam vm and 1 for plex transcoding) and 1 hba in an x8 slot. I also have 2 nvme drives using pcie x1 adapters I need to be able to use, and an add on nic in a x1 slot. 


    Running a Ryzen 1600x first gen processor, but would like the option to be able to upgrade that or still run it for now with a new motherboard. 


    My current motherboard has limited ability to use the onboard nvme slots and also have full use of multiple pcie slots at full speed oreven at all. 


    Thanks everyone! 

  8. I have 32GB of RAM installed in 4x8GB sticks.  They are all running at the correct speeds per my MB.  It all shows correct in the BIOS.


    Sometimes, and I do mean sometimes, it will only show half the ram as useable in unRAID.  It still shows it all installed both on the Dashboard and when I pull the diagnostics on the memory from the console.


    Any ideas or other diagnostics I should run?  As I said, sometimes all 32GB will show as useable after a reboot.


    The Dashboard



    A dmidecode -t 17 report showing all 4 sticks of memory installed




  9. Well,


    I have no idea what fixed it, but after unplugging everything and gradually adding things back in all of my drives are working again.  I still occasionally have a Useable Memory only showing as half what is installed, but that is a separate issues that only seems to happen sometimes so I will post a new thread about that problem.


    Thank you all!

  10. I seem to have stumped the experts! Lol... Assuming I am able to get the HBA working if nothing is plugged into the SATA ports on the MB (which I will be testing tomorrow) Would a 16 port HBA work in the PCI4 slot shown above (which according to the manual is an x8 slot)?   


    I want to make sure I wouldn't be limiting the speed of the 16 port HBA by using it on an x8 slot.  Then I would have basically all drives plugged into a single HBA except the 2 PCI M.2 NVME risers that go into x1 slots.


    Thanks again everyone for all the help!  I'm pulling out my hair! lol


    Also,  Is there a good cheaper 16 slot HBA that is recommended?  I'm of course still hoping to get this fixed for right now using my existing hardware so keep those suggestions coming!!!

  11. Ok, here are the results of a a lot of my research in a spreadsheet. I have included the motherboard manual as well.


    It has the following:

    *32GB RAM (2 of these kits) -  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077DWDTZR/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 

    *LSI HBA - https://www.ebay.com/itm/162958581156 I have verified that both of these cards I have tried have the 20.0.07 firmware

    *EVGA GTX 1060

    *PCI to M.2 SSD Adapter x2 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09TGW3P82/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (using these and the SSD for cache)

    *Ryzen 1600X

    *2.5GB NIC - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Y2GWVB8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (I had it working with both this and the onbard NIC in active-backup mode in unRAID, but have taken it out while trying to get all this troubleshooting done)

    *12 HDD (2 parity, 10 for the array)

    *1 SSD (Using these for the cache along with the 2 NVME drives)


    I had ALL of this working until I rebooted 2 days ago to hook up a UPS and now I am having all of these problems.  

    I have tried to get this all working again using both my existing unRAID installation and I also created a new trial installation on a different USB key to make sure I didn't do something weird in my install. S Same result in both.


    I am truly at a loss why it was working and now the exact same configuration is causing so many problems...

    Screenshot 2022-12-18 125029.png



    According to the manual the M2_1 slot and the PCIE4 slots (in blue) are connected and the M2_2 and SATA 3_3 (in yellow) are connected.  The 4 red SATA ports are one controller that is capable of RAID etc, and the 2 green SATA are a different ASMedia contorller.


    Weirdly though at no point am I using either of the actual M2 slots so I don't think that should be disabling the PCIe slots or the onboard SATA 3_3. 



    Fatal1ty AB350 Gaming K4.pdf

  12. 4 hours ago, itimpi said:

    I would suggest carefully checking the motherboard manual as sometimes there are limitations on what can be plugged into what expansion slots.

    This is on my list to do tomorrow. The wierd thing is that this exact configuration worked perfectly for a couple weeks without any config problems. Complete with 2 M.2 drives in pcie x1 adapters, hba with 8 drives, 5 more drives plugged into Sata on the mb, onboard nic and add on nic working in active backup network mode. I'm just not sure what changed that now it is so all over the place! 

  13. Ok, so a strange update to this topic.  I needed to see if the problem was hardware (mainboard, NIC, HBA, etc) or software (unRAID config) so I did a new trial install of unRAID on a different USB key.  Everything is magically showing up now!  Both the M.2 in the PCIe brackets, the NIC is working normally now and has a network connection.  So I think somewhere along the lines I truly FUBARed my config!


    Is there a way to do a clean install of unRAID but then get back all of my docker settings, network configs, and system customizations?  Or at least compare the two installs to see what changes might have been made that are screwing it all up?


    Thank you in advance!

  14. 21 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    The 2 port SATA controller is failing to initialize, connect parity to the other SATA controller, the free SATA port next to where your SATA SSD is connected.


    For the NVMe devices it's more of a mystery, the driver is not loading and there's nothing in the syslog about why, very strange.

    Thank you so much for your help!


    I switched the parity drive to the only free SATA port left.  It did an additional weird thing now.  When I boot it runs several times could not find eth0.  Literally all I did was change that one SATA cable!


    Also an additional strange thing by doing that, the useable memory went from 32GB back down to 16GB!  I don't know what I had done to get it to go back up to 32GB useable, but seemingly switching that cable made the difference again.  I did also try a separate NIC to see if I could get network access. No dice. I've included diagnostics again.


    The thing I'm so confused about is that this EXACT configuration worked earlier today. I'm not sure why suddenly it isn't finding drivers for the NVME drives, or not initializing the SATA ports. And also not finding either of the NICs!!!  Earlier today I had the onboard and a separate NIC bonded in active-backup mode and everything worked great!


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