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Everything posted by LeonStoldt

  1. Hi @Nesh, You've reused the same volume mount for the new "fresh installation." By default, Docker containers don't persist data to your drive. To ensure data persistence, such as for the database, you need to define volumes to share a disk location from your host system with the Docker container. You can find many explanations on how this works by searching for Docker volumes (Official Docs: https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/). The issue here is that you're not actually performing a fresh installation because the path remains the same, and there's already a PostgreSQL installation with an existing database in that host path. Your logs clearly indicate this with the message "Your PostgreSQL Database Directory appears to contain a database." You have two options: either delete the old installation or define a different path to create a new directory for persisting your database files. If you want to reuse the old data, migrating your database from version 12 to 14 may not be straightforward. @BryanSeah, Ghostfolio supports multiple users. By default it creates a demo user and your main user. However, I'm not sure if you can add users via the GUI. If you have questions about Ghostfolio as an application (not related to the Unraid installation), the best place to ask questions or report bugs is on Github: https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/discussions. It should be possible to add users via the database, but be cautious and only attempt this if you are comfortable executing SQL commands on your database and understand what you are doing.
  2. @harris are you experiencing this issue with the normal ghostfolio image or the ghostfolio installer I mentioned in the last post? Setting a redis password is still a todo for the installer, it creates a redis instance without a password by default. But it should create a new one.
  3. @SH4LT1S and @pranasziaukas - I have invested some time to create a convenient way of installing ghostfolio. I created a Docker Container which fully automatically creates all necessary containers and makes ghostfolio running in seconds. The only thing to do is to provide environment variables as parameters and execute one single docker run command. Check out this repository https://github.com/LeonStoldt/ghostfolio-installer. It starts one "installer" docker container, which starts each docker container necessary for ghostfolio. Combining services like PostgreSQL and Redis into a single Docker image might seem convenient, but it's generally not recommended due to a few key reasons: Modularity: Separate images allow for easier scaling and updates. Combining services can make it difficult to scale or update individual components independently. Flexibility: Independent images provide more flexibility. You can swap or upgrade one service without affecting the others. Security: Combining services increases the attack surface. Isolation of services in separate containers enhances security. Reusability: Separate images can be reused across projects, improving sharing and collaboration. Deployment: Independent images enable targeted updates. Combining services requires updating everything, potentially causing downtime or problems. Efficiency: Bundling services together can lead to resource wastage. Each service has different resource requirements, and combining them might over-allocate resources. In short, adhering to the "one service, one container" principle offers efficiency, security, and flexibility advantages over bundling services together. This is one of the core elements of docker and why docker is as big and successful as it is today.
  4. @HolgBogarth it's hard to tell what the problem is. It might be a custom entry for your activities depending 'items'. For help related to the ghostfolio application itself, visit Ghostfolio-Issues or Ghostfolio-Discussions (for questions and ideas).
  5. Hi everyone, I love to see that Unraid users use ghostfolio more often. If you have trouble with the setup process and it's an issue related to ghostfolio as an app - github issues are the best option in order to find a solution. As so, I would like to let you know that issues like the database migration error are discussed in this issue. I've debugged this issue on a fresh system and wrote down all docker commands (which might help setting it up via docker commands if UI is to tricky) and added pictures of my logs. In General, it is hard to debug every single system with problems, as there are many different factors involved (docker setup, previous installations, human error / typos, hardware etc.). For now, this is no one click - fit's all solution and the continous development and almost daily releases are great for the product but hard for debugging. Maybe someone will create a one click solution like an ansible playbook - or the setup of ghostfolio will simplify in the future.
  6. Hi @ryry, Your JWT security key should be something safe and random generated. Just add some random generated decent key Your secret key to log in is something different than your JWT key. As you might have noticed it will be generated and shown when registering. I don't know why your web UI does not work - maybe some logs can tell? My ghostfolio idle CPU consumption is in the neighborhood of 0.01% to 0.03%.
  7. Thanks @duckey77 for helping out here! I've added the NODE_ENV variable with production value as default to the CA template some days ago. I am not sure if I should add TZ as env variable to the CA template and would like to wait for some progress on this issue.
  8. Hi @JohanSF, I didn't personally, but maybe you can receive more help in the Ghostfolio Slack-Channel. There is a support channel where you can ask questions like this and the ghostfolio community might have a solution or a working example. Give it a try
  9. Hi @Russ2900 @jdiacobbo @Hans Payer, Thank you for providing detailed information about this issue. It looks familiar to me, as I have seen it some times in the Github issues: - e.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/569#issuecomment-1001042365 - e.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/522 In newer versions, it shouln't be a problem anymore Would you be so kind and create an issue at the ghostfolio repository: https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/new You can copy your entry from here or link it to the issue. A current version number you are experiencing the issue would help aswell. Software Bugs / Improvements should be created as issue on github Maybe one of you can create the issue and the others can add information to drill down the problem. Thank you!
  10. You were already able to fix it, but I would like to mention it if some people come across this issue. It was probably caused by the 1.174.0 release where comments / notes were added. If your version of Ghostfolio is < 1.181.2, a manual database migration is necessary (execute yarn database:migrate in console of the container). If there are issues with missing baselining migrations and new migrations cannot be applied, checkout the Troubleshooting guide on page 1.
  11. Hi, I've never experienced such an issue. I would guess it could be corrupted data (e.g. an activity that you added which causes problems). Would you be so kind and create an issue at the ghostfolio repository: https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/new This is the right place to report software bugs
  12. @Henkerd: "it seems I cannot add BTC to my activities" It should be possible to add BTC to your activities. Please check out the GitHub Issues and Discussions as there already is a lot of information. E.g. https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio/issues/945 If this still does not answer your Question, do not hesitate asking at GitHub (either by creating a issue or starting a discussion).
  13. Hi! Sorry for that late answer! @formless63: You are trying to add a value which already exists and has primary constraints on it (Key (date, symbol)=(2020-12-29 00:00:00, F) already exists.). Maybe you can find which entry is trying to add the symbol "F". Otherwise, you could try to edit you database entries. If you are not familiar with databases, I would be careful with editing database entries directly, as it could lead to a non working state. I you would like to give it a try, open the console of your postgres container (right click -> Console) and connect to your database via psql: psql -U ghostfolio -d ghostfolio-db (-U is your username and -d the database name) With \d you can see all of your existing tables. Here you can find your "MarketData" table which is mentioned in the logs. With "SELECT * FROM "MarketData";" you can take a look inside of this table and you should see an existing entry with this values: date=2020-12-29 00:00:00, symbol=F. Maybe you could rename the symbol to something like "F_tmp" to stop the loop for now. I don't know if there are constraints that prevent you from doing this but it might be worth a try: "UPDATE "MarketData" SET symbol='F_tmp' WHERE symbol='F';" So, give it a try if you want or try setting it up in a separate database and test if this error occurs again.
  14. @scud133b Yes! I added REDIS_PASSWORD to the template, so you don't have to add it manually now. @SH4LT1S you can try an URL-Encoder to escape special characters: https://www.urlencoder.org/ Normally special characters are escaped by adding a backslash "\" as prefix e.g. \$ to escape a $ In some cases (docker-compose context I believe) it is done by a double dollar sign $$ to escape a $ As the jdbc url is a url - I would first try a Url-Encoder. It might be a bit tricky and try and error but doing small steps helps a lot --- UPDATE: I added new Environment Variables to the template file in view of new releases: BASE_CURRENCY: Added support to set the base currency as an environment variable (BASE_CURRENCY) - Release: 1.151.0 REDIS_PASSWORD: Exposed the environment variable REDIS_PASSWORD - Release: 1.155.0
  15. As I was debugging some problems with @hermy65 in private messages, I would like to provide another method of debugging / checking if it's working. Some problems may occur in view of wrong configuration when changing the demo / default values. If you come across problems with the communication between Ghostfolio and redis / postgres you could try manually starting the containers via docker command from the Unraid console / command line and then (after verifying it's working) change some parameters and values in the configuration. That way you know which (config) value causes the problems. To run it via command line open the terminal of Unraid (in the upper right hand corner) and run the following commands to start all the container and migrate the database: 1. Start Postgres: docker run -d --name='ghostfolio-postgres' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD'='password' -e 'POSTGRES_USER'='ghostfolio' -e 'POSTGRES_DB'='ghostfolio-db' -p '5432:5432/tcp' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/ghostfolio-postgres':'/var/lib/postgresql/data':'rw' 'registry.hub.docker.com/library/postgres:14' 2. Start Redis: docker run -d --name='ghostfolio-redis' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -p '6379:6379/tcp' 'redis' 3. Start Ghostfolio: (Remember to change the <IP> to your Unraid IP address!) docker run -d --name='Ghostfolio' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e 'REDIS_HOST'='<IP>' -e 'DATABASE_URL'='postgresql://ghostfolio:password@<IP>:5432/ghostfolio-db?sslmode=prefer' -e 'JWT_SECRET_KEY'='123456' -e 'REDIS_PORT'='6379' -e 'ALPHA_VANTAGE_API_KEY'='' -e 'ACCESS_TOKEN_SALT'='GHOSTFOLIO' -p '3333:3333/tcp' 'ghostfolio/ghostfolio' 4. Migrate database initially: docker exec -it Ghostfolio yarn database:migrate This is basically the same as you would do with the provided Templates via UI - just doing it via command line.
  16. @SH4LT1S great to hear the video helped! Basically, you already wrote what's the problem. The database connection string should look like this: "postgresql://${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}@${PG_HOST}:${PG_PORT}/${PG_DB}?sslmode=prefer" You need to replace it with the correct values: ${USERNAME} = your postgres username when creating the postgres container ${PASSWORD} = your postgres password (if it is to "secure" you might need to escape some characters or choose a simpler password - I would suggest choosing a demo password to verify it's working and change the password later on to some more secure one) ${PG_HOST} = Usually this is your IP of your (Unraid) system where the postgres is running ${PG_PORT} = default is 5432, if you change it to something else, change this one aswell ${PG_DB} = the name of your postgres database to store your data in You should find all this information at the website you posted: https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/database-connectors/postgresql If your connection string still does not work, you can write me a pm to debug whats wrong with your connection string.
  17. @SH4LT1S I just created a video for you to show how it can be set up. It is two minutes, I would guess that is easy to set up. Besides, I created a detailed description on how to set up and added this video to show it more visually. I'll admit it might require some basic basic knowledge of docker and how containers or applications talk to each other but it is basically everything the same with docker, containers and multiple applications working together in Unraid. It would be helpful if you could specify what your problems are and what do you find confusing - otherwise we cannot help Oh and if you are interested in ghostfolio and cannot self-host it or you don't want to, there is a public available service which you can use. Depending on your needs it might cost some money for hosting - but you can check it out here. NOTICE!: It is not my service and I don't receive any of that money. I just brought it to the Unraid Community Store to share. Thank you!
  18. @netsrot303 I could reproduce your error when the redis is not available and it seems that ghostfolio started. In the background, the ghostfolio container was stopped already. You should see it when you go into your Unraid console and execute something like 'docker ps -a' and take a look at your ghostfolio container - or directly ask for the logs 'docker logs ghostfolio' or 'docker logs 12x73d...' if you reference it by the container id. Make sure to check your redis configuration.
  19. Hi @Lee B, it seems like REDIS_PASSWORD is not supported (as NOAUTH is expected). The .env file in the github repository only contains host and port. Could you please create a GitHub issue to request adding the Redis Password / Authentication? If you want, you can contribute the necessary changes yourself - of course
  20. @hermy65 it looks like your connection to redis does not work properly. How did you setup redis and reference it in the ghostfolio container? I could reproduce your issue without the REDIS_PORT variable in the ghostfolio container. I forgot to add the variable to the template and will do it soon. For now, please add a new variable to your ghostfolio template and call it "REDIS_PORT" (case sensitive). It should be 6379 by default or your custom port of your redis container. The REDIS_HOST variable should be set to your Unraid IP or local hostname. To check, you could run 'ping ${Unraid_IP}:6379' and check if redis is reachable from your ghostfolio console / container. It sounds like you already did most of it, so maybe check your configurations, give the containers a restart in the correct order and check if it works.
  21. Thanks for your input, I will add this additional information to the setup description. @SmartPhoneLover I am sorry to hear it almost crashed your server. Thank you for providing the related github issue. It will be best to find a solution at github and pull the latest image containing the fix.
  22. Welcome to the support page of the ghostfolio Community Applications template This Support Thread explains how to set up your ghostfolio Application in Unraid: About Ghostfolio: Ghostfolio is an open source wealth management software built with web technology. The application empowers busy people to keep track of stocks, ETFs or cryptocurrencies and make solid, data-driven investment decisions. Project Page: https://ghostfol.io GitHub Repository: https://github.com/ghostfolio/ghostfolio Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/ghostfolio/ghostfolio License Information: AGPL-3.0 license There are two ways of setting up ghostfolio: automated Ansible Setup (beta) custom setup Automated Ansible Setup I build a docker container automating ghostfolio container setup via Ansible. If you want to give it a try, check out: ghostfolio-installer. Custom Setup Alternatively, you can setup the containers manually and have full control. 0. Prerequisites: As Ghostfolio requires a Postgres and Redis instance to run, you should set them up first. 1. Install Postgres: Open the Community Applications and search for "postgres". Install a postgres container (e.g. Postgres-14) and make sure to set: POSTGRES_PASSWORD (to a secure password - for demo purposes: "password") POSTGRES_USER (to e.g. ghostfolio) POSTGRES_DB (to e.g. ghostfolio-db) 2. Install Redis: Open the Community Applications and search for "redis". Install the (official) redis container. 3. Install Ghostfolio: Open the Community Applications and search for "ghostfolio" by LeonStoldt. Install the container and make sure to set: REDIS_HOST (to the name of your redis instance or directly to the IP which can be found at the "Docker" tab under "Port Mappings") REDIS_PORT REDIS_PASSWORD (optional) DATABASE_URL (to the schema: postgresql://${USER}:${PASSWORD}@${NAME_OR_IP_OF_PG_HOST}:5432/${DATABASE}?sslmode=prefer - in this example it would be: postgresql://ghostfolio:password@postgres:5432/ghostfolio-db?sslmode=prefer) JWT_SECRET_KEY (to a secure JWT secret key) BASE_CURRENCY (e.g. USD, EUR, ...) To run ghostfolio, start postgres and redis first and then start ghostfolio. Then click Ghostfolio and open the Web-UI. You should now see the Ghostfolio Application - start configuring and enjoy! Troubleshooting: Referencing container hosts (postgres and redis) by name only works if they are in the same docker network. If not, you should provide the IP or an internal hostname directly. `yarn database:setup` could cause trouble when setting up the database (until it will be fixed by Issue 924) Database Migration (should not be necessary since 1.181.2): Click the Ghostfolio container and choose "Console". Enter `yarn database:migrate` to initially set up the database and visit your WebUI to get started.* If manually applying database migrations, baselining migrations is available via `npx prisma ...` in the container. As many of you had trouble setting it up, I created a short demo video on a new machine to show how it could be done. I hope it'll help: Important Notice! I am not a ghostfolio expert and can or will guarantee that it hasn't (known) issues. If you come across problems unrelated to Unraid - by that I mean problems with ghostfolio itself and software or UI bugs - please consider creating an issue at the official ghostfolio repository. * @ikoyhn and @SmartPhoneLover thank you very much for the database migration hints