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Posts posted by agonza

  1. Unraid OS 6.12.4

    media array disks 2, 3, 4, 5 - all 10tb drives. Configured Min free space 30GB, Allocation Fillup, Split only top two directory level, 

    included disks 2, 3, 4, 5, excluded none, Array shows total of 28tb free space.

    Has been working fine until tonight.

    Disk 2 @ 195MB free, Disk 3, 21.9GB free, Disk 4 8.6TB free, and Disk 5 empty 9.8TB free (was added to this media tonight).  

    Started bult transferring media to array and it failed for 'no space".  Began transferring one by one and noticed that they kept going to disk 2 instead of cascading as they had been to disk 4.  So disk 2 is at 196MB and I can't add more files to the array.


    I don't know what I have set up wrong.  Need some guidance.

  2. Not sure how to describe this feature request.  For example I am in Disk5/TV_Shows/TV_Shows

    aka /mnt/disk5/TV_Shows/TV_Shows

    It lists all the folder alphabetically A-Z.  I will scroll to the intended folder to perform an edit example The Simp.

    After I complete the edit and either click on the path or the browser back command it returns to the top of the A-Z instead of where I clicked on The Sim.  If I am editing another folder near The Sim I will have to scroll back down to the next folder.

    It would be nice if clicking the back button or whatever takes you back to the last place you were instead of back to the top of the user share.


  3. Great!   Thank you.  Perhaps this will reduce some user errors and help requests.  I shall follow the example and see how it goes. 

    I noticed that rsync copies all folders at the beginning.  I used the below command to begin.   

                                     rsync -avh "/mnt/remotes/DISKSTATION1_Plex_Media/TV_Shows" "/mnt/user/TV_Shows" 

    Pardon my unfamilarity with all this.  Is this rysnc transfer of files not fully automated?  When it reaches capacity on the first drive will rysnc and unraid continue on to the 2nd and 3rd?  As stated I have FILL-UP, 10GB space reserved, a split of 2, and 3 drives.  Looking at my 60% completed process running it will be awhile before i know myself.  

  4. The verbage isn't the same so I get confused.  I can see how users find it confusing.  I followed this section in your link when setting up my shares and folders.  The first example the author did not recommend.  I followed the 2nd using the folder structure where Movies is the user share, and sub-folders for SD, HD, Kids, etc.  I also setup a separate TV user share.  I had not begun transferring anything there so I don't know if that one would also fail. 


    My choices are; allocation: Fillup, Inc disks: 4, Min free: 40GB. The example said to use a split level of 2 for the Media user share.  So I selected Split level: "Automatically split only the top two directory levels". 

    Is this the same as split level of 2? 

    I assume this is what is meant but no where on the online documentation does it make a specific reference to this.   I followed this example and the transfers did not continue on to the next disk and filled up only 1 disk.

    The 6.11.1 split options have 5 "automatic split N levels as required" choices and a manual "do not automatically split".  The online docs only talk about split levels 1, 2, 3, 4.  So to me there is a disconnect in the doc verbage vs what is actual in 6.11.1. 

  5. Hello everyone.  Sorry I went away.  You guys were providing me great insight but I went on a few weeks vacation on the 5th and now getting back to this.

    Thank you for your patience.  This is all new to me.


    On 9/4/2022 at 2:59 AM, Kilrah said:


    When a folder exists on no disk and an app creates it, it goes to the disk "in order" if it is not below min free space, otherwise it goes to the next etc.

    Once the folder exists and something is written to it, as long as there's enough space it goes to where the folder already exists, if not the folder gets created on the next drive as long as the split settings allow for it.


    Your problem is that rsync creates all empty directories at the start, since at that moment the first drive has enough space they all get made there and files then get put there. Now the disk gets full but your split settings disallow unraid from creating new folders on other disks at that "level" of the folder tree so things continue to get put on the first disk and it fills up.

    So rethink your reason for your choice of split level and either change it or manually move stuff to satisfy it.  


    This split level is confusing especially since the guide talks old terminology split level 0, 1, 2,3, etc but the newer versions using different phrasing that is throwing me off.   Unraid should update its documentation and explain this newer wording comparing it to the older.  

    I would appreciate it if someone can clear this up for me. 

    User level is the top level and Unraid says it is Level 1;  therefore my movies share '/mnt/user/movies' is the top level.  If I have folders under movies share for 720p, kids_movies, 4k movies.  These are at level 2 according to the manual.

    So what setting am i using with this newer terminology? 'Automatically split only the top xxx directory level'.  This is part of the confusion.

    Apparently this 'top xxx directory level' isn't equal to the older split level 1, 2, 3, etc.

    The guide says to use a split level = 2. To allow these folders to copy to each disk and allow each single movie title folder to stay on the a single disk.


    I want to use FILL UP to keep disk usauge down.


  6. Looking at the other disks.  The folders have not been created.  Should they be created immediately or only if the drive fills up and then it would begin writing to the next one?


    The path to the files 

    I mounted a network share to my Synology.

    Used Spaceinvaderone tutorial on file transferring in unraid using krusader, rync, etc.



    This unraid disk share is 



    The command used

    rysnc -avh /mnt/remotes/DISKSTATION1_Plex_Media/Movies /mnt/user/movies/720p_1080p

  7. Need some help.

    Equipment: Unraid 6.10.3 with media share config: Fill Up, No cache, minimum free 35GB, split top level only, include disks 2, 3, 4, 6 - all disks are 9.1TB

    Doing a rsync copy command I got a 71% warning, then several 9x% warnings (which are fine those are default settings). Rysnc twice has terminated No space left on device (28) with a few other lines of text which i assume are part of the same error message.  nated because of not enough space. disks 3, 4, and 6 are empty. So what could be going on that these files do not continue copying to the next disk in the share?

    Rsync error message- first few words are part of the actual file it stopped on.

    996 1080p Bluray Remux DTS-HD AVC 5 1-decatora27.mkv": No space left on device (28)
    rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(378) [receiver=3.2.3]
    rsync: [sender] write error: Broken pipe (32)


    I am copying from a SMB share;  //diskstation1/plex_media  to the share.

    Command is   rsync -avh /mnt/remotes/DISKSTATION1_Plex_Media/Movies/ /mnt/disk2/movies/720p_1080p


    I THINK I JUST ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION.  I will test this theory.  Above i choose disk2 instead of user!!!

    I was following spaceinvaderone tutorial and I don't recall now if he used the disk or the user for the destination.


    Nope that wasn't it.  It crashed just the same when using /mnt/user/movies/720p_1080p as the destination.


    This is the share config








  8. On 6.10.3

    signed in to unraid.net

    allow remoted access NO

    flash backup Activated Not up-to-date

    Select Update but it continues to return Not up to date.


    Ping test below returns the following

    ping backup.unraid.net
    PING backup.unraid.net ( 56(84) bytes of data


    New unraid user: Yesterday was the first time I activated flash backup and it didn't work.  Same today.  

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