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Posts posted by enderTown

  1. 7 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    You're likely the first to try using Unraid with so many devices, you should create a bug report.

    Done, thank you! https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/stable-releases/unraid-only-shows-125-of-240-disks-in-gui-r1967/


    6 hours ago, bonienl said:

    Have you changed the number of "slots" to make all selections available?


    Can you post a screenshot?


    Yes, didn't have any effect. The missing disks are missing from the Unassigned Devices list and also any drop-downs in the slots area. I'll continue this discussion over on linked bug report, thanks for feedback!

  2. Hello, I'm trying unraid on a server that has 240 disks attached. The UI sees the first 125 or so as "unattached devices" but the others are not shown. However, if I go to the terminal, I can see all 240 disks and mount them/work with them as normal.


    I thought maybe this was a limitation with the trial because I know that the pro version is supposed to support "unlimited" devices and certainly more than 125 (using several pools). However, after upgrading to Pro and rebooting, I have the same problem.


    I wanted to put all of these in pool arrays, but the problem is I can't even select almost half of them from the UI and I don't see a way to manage this from CLI.


    Oh another oddity: unassigned devices plugin *DOES* show all of them, but the ones that were missing before show up as "unmountable". Also, it takes may 90 seconds to 2 minutes for unassigned devices plugin to load the list, so it is unusable for this amount of drives.


    Any ideas?

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