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Everything posted by SgtHobNob

  1. Unfortunately no I didn't take a copy of the diagnostics, lessons learnt there I think, If I'm ever doing anything major with unraid in the future then I will take copies of the diagnostics at various points. I've been trying the recovery options you suggested, these commands do mean much to me so I'll paste in the commands and responses. I tried with the array both started and not (not sure if this makes a difference), also not sure if I needed to put the 1 at the end as the drive is just labelled sdd, so I tried both. root@Cookie:~# mount -o usebackuproot,ro /dev/sdd1 /x mount: /x: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. root@Cookie:~# mount -o usebackuproot,ro /dev/sdd /x mount: /x: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. root@Cookie:~# mount -o degraded,usebackuproot,ro /dev/sdd1 /x mount: /x: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error. Before I move onto the next stage, I just wanted to check I'd done everything right (which I'm not confident!) Side note, referencing the guide, for idiots like my it may be worth using something other than X as I was originally changing the "/x" instead of the "/sdX1", it's obvious now looking back, but at the time I missed it. Thanks again,
  2. Hi JorgeB, -You updated from v6.9.2 directly to v6.10.2, never used any earlier v6.10 release I cannot be 100% certain it was 6.9.2, I used the GUI to downgrade and it was the only option available, so I could have incorrectly assumed. -After updating to v6.10.2 you didn't have GUI access, because the NIC was blacklisted due to vt-d being enable, but the array would have still started since autostart is enable Yes, I assume the array did start, I did do graceful shutdowns each time. -At this point you did a clean shutdown/reboot and disabled vt-d, i.e., you didn't unblacklist the NIC and never used v6.10.2 with vt-d and the NIC enable, this is the most important question, including if the shutdown was clean or not I did not unblacklist the NIC, I'm not sure how to do that. Clean shutdowns each time. -After disabling vt-d you noticed the issues and downgraded back to v6.9.2 Yes Apologies if I've misunderstood anything. I'm fairly confident the cache drive wasn't really used by anything, I don't think there's any data on it that I'd be concerned about. Unless of course Docker has been using it, but from what I've noticed historically that the cache drive wasn't used, it's just a spare SSD and thought I'd try it. Thank you,
  3. No changes, the only thing I've done is start a parity check which I think I did before I pulled the diagnostics.
  4. Hello, sorry I'm a total novice with Unraid and related technologies, I've been running it without issue for a few years and not really done much tinkering since I set it up. Today I updated from version 6.9.2 to 6.10.2, upon updating I was no longer able to connect, my NIC is blacklisted. To counter this I disabled VT-d and rebooted which allowed me to access Unraid again. I didn't think it would be a big deal as I don't run any VMs, however the Docker Service failed to start. I downgraded back to 6.9.2 and re enabled VT-d, the Docker Service still failed to load along with Libvirt Service. Also, my cache drive is unmountable, I'm not sure if this is related but it's lower on my list of priorities as I need to get docker up and running ASAP. Your help would be appreciated, right now I'm at a total loss and have already spent hours trying to get everything running again. Thanks, cookie-diagnostics-20220604-2120.zip
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