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Everything posted by Discordant

  1. Well, I'm not sure I understand how it can trigger a kernel panic but I went into the settings nad toggled it to ipvlan and it seems to be solid now. Up to 18 hours uptime w/ parity check running and is rock solid for my end users. Will check back in but hoping it really was that simple. Thanks! Is there anything to change on a per container basis now that this setting has been toggled?
  2. So the networking settings are enough to cause Kernel Panics and frequent reboots? I canceled parity checks upon boot and the server is being reported as stable by my end users. Seems to only/mostly occur when performing a parity check.
  3. Hello all, Running into kernel panics after doing an OS update. Also recently replaced the flash drive in case that was a possible point of failure. Attached are my logs. My monitor states: Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal Exception in interrupt Kernel Offset: disabled Cache drive shows as passed but has 466 errors. Should I pull that and swap it? is it as simple as swapping it and restoring from the back up plugin on the new drive? blackpearl-diagnostics-20230906-1451.zip
  4. Hello, I've started getting this error message in both Plex and Sonarr. I've tried the database rebuild troubleshooting on Plex's own support documents to no avail. I've deleted both Plex and Sonarr containers and their app data folders and then reconfigured them from the ground up and then the issue would pop up later again that day. Is something going on with my Unraid system that is corrupting these containers? How can I fix this? Current plex logs are returning: Error: Unable to set up server: sqlite3_statement_backend::loadOne: database disk image is malformed (N4soci10soci_errorE) blackpearl-diagnostics-20220731-0928.zip
  5. Hello all, If I stop docker for whatever reason it almost always fails to start when I try to re-enable it. I get this error under the docker tab: Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to unix:///var/run/docker.sock (No such file or directory) in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 710 Couldn't create socket: [2] No such file or directory Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 896 Attached are the logs. I'm aware my docker folder is too large but haven't yet been able to pinpoint the root cause. I've already deleted the docker img vdisk and I thought that would help but i'm back here again. It seems that docker can start again after a reboot. blackpearl-diagnostics-20220708-1154.zip
  6. I believe I originally had a problem w/ the docker image getting full and increased the size temporarily and forgot to shrink it back down. Regarding the user share, that was going to be dedicated for a gaming virtual machine until I realized that I couldn't use my GPU for transcoding and VM pass through. haha. Decided to use it for the former and actually just removed that share after you mentioned it.
  7. Noted! I canceled the parity sync for now and will remove the parity drive in the meantime. Thanks for that tidbit of knowledge. Do you think that can be cause for a lot of the underlying issues that i'm running across? I'm wondering if the USB somehow got corrupted already despite not being used for that long?
  8. Hello all, Running into some real weird issues here. Physically relocated my unraid server from my bedroom down into a rack in the basement after I finished building and testing it. That's when I started experiencing some issues. First my Overseerr instance was no longer available over the internet w/ a 502 bad gateway. I turned off and one the setting for Host access to Custom networks and that seemed to resolve it. A reboot later and it would get stuck in the BIOS and later have issues w/ something regarding the USB where i'd have to remount it and restart a couple of times. (don't recall exactly) When I successfully boot, NGINX reverse proxy still has issues but when i try the previous fix online I saw docker will fail to initialize. I am migrating files over from a previous NAS and even moving files internally i'm only seeing speeds of around 10 mbps. Same with my parity sync which is quoting me around 30 days. It seems like a perfect storm of things that just all happened at once. Attached are my diagnostics. I'm relatively new to unraid and have been using it for maybe less than a month. Hopefully someone can maybe steer me in the right direction to get this all sorted out. On 6.10.3 blackpearl-diagnostics-20220703-1744.zip
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