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  1. Forgot to add: I've redone the config about 50 times now and I know the assignments are correct.
  2. I stopped my array a few days back and since then I haven't been able to start it. It tries to start and then fails and says the configuration is stale. There are a lot of Bufer I/O errors in the log. I've deleted all super.* files multiple times but that doesn't make a difference. The cables for my controller card have been replaced since the side of the case may have been putting to much pressure on them but that didn't improve anything. I've mounted the drives individually and ran xfs_repair on the them which corrected some errors on a couple of drives. I've been planning on upgrading so I went and took this opportunity to go ahead and do it so the motherboard, CPU, and RAM are all new. I've also replaced the boot flash drive. unraid-diagnostics-20221003-2205.zip
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