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  1. Hi, I can't seem to get Heimdall Dashboard to work through my reverse proxy (Nginx). I've setup my domain through Cloudflare and everything is connected (and working it seems). I can open Heimdall from my Unraid with webUI and that opens internally with no problems. I can ping this Heimdall domain and get results, but when I want to actually navigate to my Heimdall domain I get a "502 Bad Gateway Error". I have my Nextcloud and my Plex Media server set up exactly the same way as I'm trying with Heimdall now and everything works fine. Both my Nextcloud and Plex, have their own domain. Only Heimdall is not working. What am I missing in the configuration on my Unraid server? What am I doing wrong? Must say I'm fairly new in this so I don't know what exactly I need to document in here, I got screenshots of everything. Please help this rookie .
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