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Report Comments posted by dailou

  1. On 8/22/2021 at 11:35 PM, Keksgesicht said:

    The solution is a lot simpler.

    Linux (unRaid) is somehow blocking the device on the host.
    I found out that you can unload the bluetooth drivers and it works now inside the VM.

    modprobe -r btusb
    modprobe -r bluetooth


    If you want that it persistent between reboot, you have to blacklist these drivers.

    Normally it is /etc/modprobe.d/ but unRaid does not replace the initial root filesystem (initrd / rootfs) with a block device so changes where are not persistent.
    In some other forum thread a found something like this for unRaid. (not tested because my system is still running)

    mkdir /boot/config/modprobe.d/
    echo -e 'blacklist btusb\nblacklist bluetooth' > /boot/config/modprobe.d/bluetooth.conf


    If you still need bluetooth on the host for some docker container.
    It is probably needed to load the drivers again when the VM isn't running.

    modprobe btusb
    modprobe bluetooth



    I am using Intel AX211NGW M2 card, ran into some issue. VMs can not detect the bluetooth driver properly even with the latest driver.

    After following those steps, reboot unraid server, it works perfectly fine.



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