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Posts posted by ksp

  1. On 11/28/2022 at 6:30 AM, jombi said:

    Hi folks,


    Sorry to hijack this thread, but I've just started having this same issue with my PiHole container. Initially it was working for a few days, and then after performing unraid OS upgrade from 6.11.4 to 6.11.5 the container wouldn't start (though the version change is likely unrelated and it could have been triggered by the reboot, but more info = more better).



    Using command  netstat -tunlp | grep ":53"  I can see that the port is in use by dnsmasq, so the error itself is obviously correct. I can see dnsmasq is listening on the same "strange IP address" referred to previously, but that just appears to be the virtual interface virbr0 address.


    Using command  netstat -tunlp | grep "dnsmasq"  it looks like the only ports this process is listening for are the ones relating to the pihole container (TCP 53, UDP 53, and UDP 67)


    To my knowledge (unless there's a setting I haven't noticed), I don't have anything configured on the system that should be doing DNS/DHCP aside from the PiHole container. Which then leaves me with a series of questions:

    1. Is it most likely that the dnsmasq service running and listening to these ports as a result of the creation of the container, or is it always running and listening on these ports on account of the fact that it is by it's nature a DNS/DHCP service?
    2. It seems this service is running at bootup and listening on these ports. Is it possible/safe to either stop it from listening on these ports or stop it from running at bootup, or is it required for the container to work or even just something else in the system?
    3. Are there any system logs somewhere that might indicate when this service was first started? I can only assume it was after my creation of the container, as I was obviously able to create and run it in the first place.

    I'm by no means knowledgeable in Linux/unraid/Docker, so at this point I'm still trying to figure out what role dnsmasq plays in the system and I'm hoping people can forgive my ignorance if my questions/assumptions are way off the mark. Any direction I can get would be greatly appreciated as I'm probably heading down the completely wrong path here. Thanks for your time if you made it this far :)



    After some further reading, I found that disabling VMs on the VM Manager page stops dnsmasq and allows the pihole container to run as normal. I think this might be related to a VM that I ran temporarily? After setting up PiHole I booted up pfSense in a VM but didn't really go anywhere with it and removed it after about 30 minutes, but it seems this is a lingering artifact of that setup.


    In any case, it doesn't seem the issue is related to "Docker Engine", but I at least have some direction to investigate how to un-do whatever the VM did - leaving this here in the hopes this info helps someone else!

    Thank you for this information but I'm a little confused as to what a proper solution is for someone who needs VMs (running Home Assistant) and wants to have AdGuard Home on Docker.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Hello everyone. I recently saw this error in my notifications (thanks to Fix Common Problems plugin).

    Out Of Memory errors detected on your server
    Your server has run out of memory, and processes (potentially required) are being killed off. You should post your diagnostics and ask for assistance on the Unraid forums


    I'm not exactly sure what happened. I saw this error pop up randomly 10 minutes or so after restarting the array. Just as a side note, I had to restart the array because for some reason my cache drives were being read at ~300MB/s constantly and I couldn't figure out wtf was going on that would cause that. My GUI became extremely unresponsive and I couldn't access my services. After restarting the array, everything is back to normal but that was really weird.


    I would love for some help from people who could help narrow this down. Attached below are my diagnostics. Thank you!


  3. 15 minutes ago, jmztaylor said:

    Try running the command manually.  Open console for sonarr or radarr and run


    mediainfo /home/(removed)/files/completed/<file>.mkv


    Obviously with a proper file.  This might give you more info.

    Just tried this and it works just fine when I'm in the console for sonarr/radarr. That's confusing...


    Something is definitely wonky with permissions because even manual import doesn't work within the sonarr UI. The completed files folder gets 777 once the files are finished syncing so permissions should be wide open right? This was working before so why is it not anymore 😧

  4. OS: Unraid 6.11 (everything was working fine on 6.10.x)


    Steps to reproduce: Download from sonarr or radarr.


    Expected result: File should be imported automatically after download.


    Actual result: Sonarr reports two errors (related to each other). 

    11:33am	DetectSample			Failed to get runtime from the file, make sure mediainfo is available
    11:33am	VideoFileInfoReader		Unable to open media info from file: /home/(removed)/files/completed/<file>.mkv


    Additional info: My setup is a bit more complicated than the normal (but everything prior to updating has been working just fine). Sonarr/radarr (unraid) are connected to a seedbox (remote) that downloads the media, my script syncs the completed downloads back to unraid server and then sonarr/radarr pick it up from there and auto-import.


    In unraid 6.10.x, my script was changing the permissions (after syncing) to 777 so that sonarr could pick it up. It seems like that behavior doesn't work in 6.11 or something else is broken? I can't get to the bottom of it, but the main issue is sonarr/radarr do not seem to have sufficient permissions to the download folder even though I have pretty much confirmed that the download folder is as open as it can be. No permissions are even touched on the appdata side, only on the download share.


    I'd really appreciate if anyone could shed light on the direction I should take to try and troubleshoot this again. I learned about permission changing the download share when I first set up the server through trial and error but don't know where to go from here.



  5. I'm having pretty much a similar issue. Not sure what the best way forward is. In 6.10.x I used to just change permissions myself (as part of my sync script), but now even that doesn't seem to work.


    Sonarr's MediaInfo cannot read the file and apparently does not have correct permissions for the directory. I am confused on what to do. 

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  6. On 7/12/2022 at 5:07 PM, xle said:

    Hey - I am having trouble getting this to run at all. Running as-is out of the box produces an EACCESS error with regards to the DirtyDB file and does not create any files in the appdata beyond the etherpad directory. Using variables to specify a separate DB does not fix the issue, but causes the log screen to close on open. I am on unRAID 6.10.3


    I had the same issue. If you open up the log you'll likely see it's a permissions issue. I just chmod 777 that directory within appdata and everything worked fine. Probably not the best way to do it as it's giving full access to everyone but I just did that and everything worked after a restart.

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