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Posts posted by AlexZap

  1. Tonight my unraid stopped responding from the net and after pressing the shutdown button in this morning(it was turned on during the night) i hear disk spinning up and it returned reachable, after it showed that one drive have failed but the smart is good, i already started rebuild. what can caused this issue? after watching the content of some monitoring container i see that the system was online but the network stopped working. The system becom unreachable after 00:21






    18 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Then there's likely some app with a memory leak, post the diagnostics when that happens to see if there's something visible.


    found the cause, i configured unraid to use only ipv4 and ram usage returned to normal but now i can't re enable ipv6+ipv4, ipv6 memory leak problem?. i think something is wrong with unraid and ipv6, after applying settings nothing change, only reboot apply settings and the server is unable to get a dns server from dhcp

  3. Hi, i'm having some prolem with the RAM usage, after boot i nearly have 2G of used ram but after two days it reach 8G, in about a week it fill 24G of ram, and at that point i need to reboot the system.

    doing the command ps aux | awk '{print $6/1024 " MB\t\t" $11}' | sort -n i have found an  strange amount of dhcpcd processram.txt.


    graph of memory usage of the last two days: image.png.31d8249f562db8e04cc288931ee33e43.png



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