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Posts posted by MrLeek

  1. So to make sure I understand the concept that I'm going to do:


    • I have an empty 1TB drive (with xfs) and a 2TB drive (reiserfs) with a small amount of data on it. Therefore copying data from 2TB drive to the 1TB drive.
    • Format the 2TB drive just used. That gives me a 2TB drive with xfs. That drive will then be able to be the receiver for the data stored on the other 2TB drive I have
    • Then format the other 2TB drive. Job done...?

    basically yes, although you left out the step where you change the format of the 2TB drive (with the array stopped) from ReiserFS to XFS.    The key point is that you cannot change the format of a drive and keep the data on it intact and thus a lot of copying is involved.


    Is that fundamentally what's going on here? This is obviously an action that takes some planning - Google brought me here after I noticed that the two 1TB drives I added were in a different format (my upgrade path was 4.7 -> 6.1.9). Screenshot attached for ease of reference.


    Thank you! It may be that my example is clear(?) enough to use to explain this - even if I did gloss over the fact that changing the format of the drive = nuking all the data on it. But I appreciate you confirming my thinking.

  2. So to make sure I understand the concept that I'm going to do:


    • I have an empty 1TB drive (with xfs) and a 2TB drive (reiserfs) with a small amount of data on it. Therefore copying data from 2TB drive to the 1TB drive.
    • Format the 2TB drive just used. That gives me a 2TB drive with xfs. That drive will then be able to be the receiver for the data stored on the other 2TB drive I have
    • Then format the other 2TB drive. Job done...?


    Is that fundamentally what's going on here? This is obviously an action that takes some planning - Google brought me here after I noticed that the two 1TB drives I added were in a different format (my upgrade path was 4.7 -> 6.1.9). Screenshot attached for ease of reference.


  3. (Doesn't have to be 5 in 3)


    Does anyone know of a silver drive case that's available? I was going to get the Silverstone CFP51 (but long story mean that I didn't). Now that I want to add extra drives....it looks like it's no longer being made.


    It doesn't have to be easy to swap drives (would be a bonus) - it just has to be primarily silver since that's the case I've been using for my build. Ideally it would also have a fan to help with cooling (heat is currently not an issue).


    Edit: Going to try the Lian Li EX-H34S - that seems to be the only option I can find after hours of searching...


    But that's got a black front or is it just the internals you want silver?!


    It needs to be a silver front as well - I meant the EX-H34A.....but I can see me sending that back as well. 145mm wide means there's an annoying gap around the edge of the cage


    I can see me getting a 4U case and being done with it....


    Edit: although I've just spotted the EX-36

  4. (Doesn't have to be 5 in 3)


    Does anyone know of a silver drive case that's available? I was going to get the Silverstone CFP51 (but long story mean that I didn't). Now that I want to add extra drives....it looks like it's no longer being made.


    It doesn't have to be easy to swap drives (would be a bonus) - it just has to be primarily silver since that's the case I've been using for my build. Ideally it would also have a fan to help with cooling (heat is currently not an issue).


    Edit: Going to try the Lian Li EX-H34S - that seems to be the only option I can find after hours of searching...

  5. Just a sanity check please folks - my understanding thus far is that all is good on both drives (the reports were identical - aside from the fact that one drive took 3 hours longer to complete the script. This is the longer of the two). Both drives are WD EARS (2TB) and are both brand new:




    I think there's some issues with my router - it keeps dropping the wireless connection on a regular basis. Although this script was run via wired-ethernet, this might be signs of a bigger problem....

  6. Maybe I'm just being stupid (very good possibility!) but how do you run this? This is my first unraid build (everything is fine so far). I've got the preclear_disk.sh script on the usb stick and my limited knowledge of linux tells me that bash doesn't know where the script is located in order to run it.


    (I'm still reading as I'd like to solve this myself, but chances are it's a obvious solution to everyone but me!)


    Edit: something like  cd /boot....... stupid welshman! It recognises the command now, but I need to specify the hard drives now

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