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Posts posted by Ninoslav

  1. I have 2 unraid servers running ddclient, and I have the same error on both, turned on verbose


    WARNING:  '' is not a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address
    WARNING:  found neither IPv4 nor IPv6 address
    WARNING:  unraid: unable to determine IP address with strategy use=ip
    WARNING:  Could not determine an IP for unraid


    Both are set up to push IP to namecheap and both are behind Ubiquiti router. Have not made any changes recently and it was working for several months flawlessly.



  2. Any idea why each swag update breaks my remote jellyfin? Out of the 5 files mentioned in the screenshot, only one I edited was jellyfin.subdomain.conf


    I have 2 servers and both died so I tried this. On the first one I replaced all files with new ones starting from the bottom and it was dead until all 5 were replaced with samples and old ones renamed to old. On the second one I started from the top and as soon as I replaced first two authelia server was back online. On that 2nd server I still have warning about /config/nginx/proxy.conf, /config/nginx/proxy-confs/jellyfin.subdomain.conf and /config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf but jellyfin works just fine.


    Is there something I need to do so swag update doesnt mess it up each time? 

    Screenshot at Feb 12 00-10-34.png

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