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  1. Thank you Trurl, that worked! However, it looks like only 1 of my 3 drives made it through the fire. So my Parity drive and one of my data drives didn't (10TB parity, 10TB data, 4TB data). Very said times. I will mark what you put down as a solution, however, I have another question, do you think sending 1 of the drives out to data recovery would net any benefit? And, if so, should I send the 10TB parity or the 10TB data? Or both? Thank you for your help! It is very much appreciated.
  2. I had a fire in my house and I lost mostly everything, however, my unraid flash was able to be backed up. (Still working on possible drive recovery). Now the issue i'm having is one of entering the GUI while i'm on the tower. Here is the issue I am having: When I boot off the Flash Drive, UEFI, I get the Unraid boot selector, I select one of the GUI options, it runs through the start up process then gets to a black screen with a white blinking cursor. Currently the new server does not have network, which is why I was using the GUI on the box. Now, I am going from a i7-8700/Asus ROG Strix Gaming-5 z370 to i5-10400/Asus Prime Z590. However, if I create a new unraid flash drive, I can boot into the GUI without an issue, so it has to be something with my old configuration. I've tried adding nomodeset to my startup config like this: label unRAID OS Intel menu default kernel /bzimage append initrd=/bzroot,/bzroot-gui nomodeset I DO remember having to do something with the VBOIS previously to allow it to be used through passthru, so, I think what is happening is the iGPU is not being grabbed once the call to the GUI is made. Any help is appreciated, for some reason, I am not seeing any updated Diagnostic Logs on my Flash Drive that are recent, the newest one is 5/22/22. Thank you for all of your time and help! (Hopefully this wasn't a dupicate, if it is, please remove!)
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