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  1. Wow thank you, I think we have finally resolved the issue here. I changed the wireguard port in the plugin advanced settings to 41642 as you said. And then I forwarded that port on my router (UDM SE) and now it seems I am getting a direct connection after running some tests!
  2. Sure I just did that, here's the newly generated one after restarting from within the plugin settings itself. tailscale-diag-20240711-202912.zip
  3. Ok thanks for the sanity check, I will give it try. Appreciate it
  4. Understand, thanks for clarifying. So can I check that instead of the initial recommended exclusion list: /mnt/user/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache /mnt/user/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media /mnt/user/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata My setup is different and I should set it instead to the following: /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Cache/ /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Media/ /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Metadata/ Because when I check my folders, I only seem to have the Cache one. The other 2: /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media /mnt/user/appdata/plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata Don't exist and when I run backup, that's where I get the failed error.
  5. Potential fix: I saw another member changed /user/ to the server name, which worked. So I tried, and this time, the backup did not have any errors:
  6. My backup started failing this week, and it seems to be due to Plex. It was working just fine before and I didn't change anything in my exclusions which are set up like this: Does anyone have any suggestions on how to troubleshoot? Thanks!
  7. Sure, here you go. Thanks for looking into it. tailscale-diag-20240708-095759.zip
  8. Thanks EDACerton, when I checked my advanced settings it seems my WIreguard Port was already set to the correct one and despite that and even restarting with my port forwarded, I still can't get a direct connection. Before checking this, the Tailscale support suggested to modify scripts which is beyond my current knowledge and capability and I'm not sure this is even necessary given that the advanced setting above already has the correct port set. This was what they said: Still a bit lost and followed up/shared this info with the Tailscale support team, I wonder what else we can explore to get to the bottom of this.
  9. I have a follow-up and update on this issue. I am currently in direct contact with Tailscale customer support, who have been incredibly patient and have walked me through this. They asked me to check on the following, and I'm wondering if the Unraid plugin has this capability or setting somewhere, as I'm a bit lost on finding or editing that "tailscaled" config. Could anyone guide me on how I can edit this and set the port directly on my Unraid machine as per the instructions above? It might be the way to finally get it to make a direct connection which I have been struggling with for a while now. Thanks!
  10. Ok understand thanks. I actually already followed all the instructions in the that doc and followed all the steps for my network (using Unifi). My other ports for other services are forwarding just fine but for some reason 41641 and 3478 just won't punch through. I'll try asking around on the Unifi and Tailscale subreddits but it's been almost 2 months and so far no one has been able to help or figure this out. Will keep trying and hope this gets sorted one day.
  11. Just following up on my previous post. I still haven't figured it out and was hoping if anyone else has any idea how to fix this. I can't seem to properly forward my ports for Tailscale. Is there a setting in the plugin to do this or at least check? My firewall ports are already forwarded but I still can't get a direct connection.
  12. On a separate note, I wanted to ask if anyone else is having issues using an Exit Node getting low speeds and having your clients connect via relay instead of a direct connection? I keep getting a relay despite following the docs to forward the specified ports. https://tailscale.com/kb/1082/firewall-ports I ask because I have a relatively well-spec'd unraid server with gigabit fiber as my exit node and want to get fast speeds, but I keep connecting as a relay and only get 20mbps download/upload speeds.
  13. Yes, we totally understand; no rush or anything was meant. I'm also new and just recently discovered this plugin. Thank you for all that you do in creating it and its continuing maintenance.
  14. I'm still new to this plugin, and so when I checked my Tailscale admin page today, I saw this: I understand that since this is a Plugin, we'll have to wait for the next version to be updated on the Unraid Plugin page instead, right? I just wanted to double-check and make sure because I tried clicking start update and doing it via terminal, and it won't seem to update. Thanks!
  15. Ok I may have found the issue and temporary solution after some extensive testing and by process of elimination. Since I could see the WebGUI was loading just fine on Incognito, I also tried other browsers and profiles that don't have my regular set of browser extensions. They all loaded fine and worked properly. I then started to remove every extension I had one by one until I found the culprit. It's a very niche issue, and doubt many people use this particular extension but it's called "Pocket Universe," and its a Web3 security-focused extension that blocks phishing sites, malware, etc. After disabling the extension the WebGui loads perfectly. Anyway I have reached out to the support and devs of that particular extension to let them know of the issue and hopefully they can properly whitelist the Unraid WebGui and and improve that extension because its probably unknowingly blocking other legit sites too.
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