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Posts posted by dasoul

  1. Thoughts?


    Here are the results:

    reiserfsck --check started at Sun Oct 29 10:03:53 2023
    Replaying journal: Done.
    Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed
    Checking internal tree..  finished
    Comparing bitmaps..finished
    Checking Semantic tree:
    No corruptions found
    There are on the filesystem:
            Leaves 1361
            Internal nodes 10
            Directories 44
            Other files 52
            Data block pointers 1371189 (0 of them are zero)
            Safe links 0
    reiserfsck finished at Sun Oct 29 10:10:14 2023


  2. Thank you for your previous response.  My bad on not responding.  I must have missed the notification and this fell off my radar.  I am running reiserfsck right now to see if it finds anything.  I am reviving this thread and will update once I get a response back from the command.

  3. I have a directory on a disk I am trying to get converted from reiserfs to xfs and just tring to make sure i moved everything off.  but I have one directory I cannot access.  If I try to cd access the directory via smb I get permission denied and if I try to ls to it or run du -h on the parent drive I get the "Exec format error".  Anything I can do here or provide to you to help me figure this one out?  Thanks!


    root@UNRAID:/mnt/disk1# du -h
    0       ./tftp
    0       ./.apps
    du: cannot read directory './Videos': Exec format error
    0       ./Videos
    0       ./Movies-PG13
    0       ./TV Shows
    0       ./appdata
    0       ./Audiobooks
    0       .


  4. Getting the following on a directory.  Cannot browse it via Windows explorer. I get the following:




    Permissions seem fine:


    root@UNRAID:/mnt/disk1# ls -al
    /bin/ls: Videos: Exec format error
    total 0
    drwxrwxrwx+  8 nobody users 176 Mar 14 07:07 ./
    drwxr-xr-x  25 root   root  500 Mar 11 07:04 ../
    drwxrwxrwx   7 nobody users 256 Nov  3 09:42 .apps/
    drwxrwxrwx   3 nobody users 160 May 26  2021 Videos/
    drwxrwxrwx   9 nobody users 288 Mar 13  2021 appdata/
    drwxrwxrwx   4 nobody users 352 Apr 12  2018 tftp/


    From the console I cannot even cd into the folder


    root@UNRAID:/mnt/disk1# cd Videos
    -bash: cd: Videos: Exec format error

    Thank you in advance for the help!

  5. This keeps happening to me and I thought it was because I was installing new disks one which was a white label WD so I was trying to see if I needed the 3.3v mod for my back plane and was generally messing around with preclearing disks etc at the time that a parity check was happening.  But I just hard booted the array because I lost access to the GUI yesterday and I removed the extra disk I was messing with before the hard boot.   I stopped the parity check and the gui went non-responsive.  SMB shares also are not responding.  But I do have SSH access to the system.


    1. I initiated a powerdown -r.  Based on my reading this actually performs a clean reboot of the system.  Is this true?
    2.  Could someone please check out my diag files to see if anything jumps out.  Nothing jumps out to me.
    3. I see my version of unraid is a bit behind version wise.  Should I upgrade it to the latest?




  6. On 1/1/2022 at 9:03 PM, Squid said:

    You pretty much have to run it.  And begin to think about converting from ReiserFS to XFS.  Reiser hasn't had any updates in years upon years and never will again and eventually may cease to work on future kernel versions.

    Thanks.  It completed and now I can write to my shares.  I appreciate it!  Now to figure out how to get everything over to XFS.  I do have alot of new drives to put in the system.  Is it still recommended to preclear drives before putting them into the array?  Is that a thing with XFS?

  7. 6 hours ago, Squid said:

    Did you run reiserfsck with --check first and did it tell you to run --rebuild-tree?  or did you simply run --rebuild-tree (iirc the first thing --check usually says to do is run with --fix-fixable)

    I just clicked the button that ran the reiserfsck without options.  I dont know what options it used by default.  But the check came back with some errors specifically about the rebuild-tree option.  So I researched that option and put it in to run it as options and saw the other message.



  8. I have been having issues writing new files to my smb shares.  All of my disk show green in unraid.  So I have been assuming this was some permissions issue because I use the Active Directory integrated option and I had to prevously remove the unraid system from the domain and readd it.  But now I really want to write new files to the system. 


    In the logs I see entries like this.  These are older entries but there are entries dated for today that have the exact same messages and disk/device:


    Jun  4 02:21:40 UNRAID kernel: REISERFS warning: reiserfs-5090 is_tree_node: node level 60241 does not match to the expected one 2
    Jun  4 02:21:40 UNRAID kernel: REISERFS error (device md6): vs-5150 search_by_key: invalid format found in block 171915940. Fsck?

    I went to run the fsck command with the --rebuild-tree option and the message dissuaded me from letting it continue so I cancelled the reiserfsck run.


    ************************************************************* ** Do not run the program with --rebuild-tree unless ** ** something is broken and MAKE A BACKUP before using it. ** ** If you have bad sectors on a drive it is usually a bad ** ** idea to continue using it. Then you probably should get ** ** a working hard drive, copy the file system from the bad ** ** drive to the good one -- dd_rescue is a good tool for ** ** that -- and only then run this program. ** *************************************************************

    I have extra disks I can install into the system but wanted to check for guidance just to make sure I go about this the right way.  BTW my diagnostics are attached.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


  9. Hey,


    I have been working on getting my RR622 working with this script.


    Finally got the JBOD bios as I couldnt find them before.


    When the script runs it gives the following error:


    /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ahci/new_id: No such file or directory


    Sure enough when I go to the /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ directory there is no ahci directory on the system.  What gives?  Anyone have an idea?





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