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Posts posted by engardeknave

  1. 18 minutes ago, primeval_god said:

    If you look at the usage section on the docker hub page you will see a bind mount that looks like this 

    -v </path/to/mount/images>:"/mnt/disks":shared \

    The shared flag is very important its what allows the mount points to propagate to the host.

    In this case /mnt/disks is in the container and path/to/mount/images is on the host.

    When you mount your images in the docker container you must mount them to a mount point (subfolder) inside /mnt/disks. The mounted directory will be under path/to/mount/images on the host.

    Yes, I got it to work a few minutes after posting that. I needed to choose a mount point that is a subfolder of the specified mount point. This makes it possible for unRAID and dockers to access the files, but not Windows Explorer for some reason. I tried adding permissions, but no luck. It's weird because this is not an issue when running cryptsetup directly on unRAID.

  2. I don't know much about Linux, but I've been researching how to get encrypted containers on unRAID working. Someone pointed out that 'cryptsetup' exists natively on unRAID and works with Veracrypt containers. I was able to create a container in Windows with the Veracrypt GUI, and then open it on the server. Basically it's just:


    cryptsetup --type tcrypt --veracrypt-query-pim open /mnt/user/containers/vcmedia vcmedia
    [password and pim are entered]
    mount /dev/mapper/vcmedia
    umount /dev/mapper/vcmedia
    cryptsetup close vcmedia


    What would be the easiest way to generate a dialog box or page in the unRAID interface to request the password and pim, and then issue the commands to open the container? Ideally this would work with browser password managers.

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