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Everything posted by Jorddahmann

  1. Ah! Thank you for posting this. I had the same issue and was totally lost what the cause was then I found your thread and remembered I installed that plug-in but had never used it (and totally forgotten about it). Uninstalling it did the trick for me as well. Thanks again!
  2. Hi There, I see that this post has been up for a few months and you haven't got a reply yet. Hopefully you managed to resolve your issue. I ran into the same issue myself and found a solution so I thought I'd better post it here: In my case, the issue was that the NGINX Proxy Manager docker defaults to being on the custom br0 network, while all my other docker containers (which I'm trying setup reverse proxies to) are on the bridge network. Switching those other docker containers to the br0 network as well, OR changing the Settings->Docker->"Host access to custom networks" setting to "Enabled" resolved the issue for me. In the end I went with switching those Docker containers to the same custom network as that seemed the more secure of the two options.
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