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  1. Moved from ESXi to Unraid last weekend and have been unable to get any VLANs communicating, native vlan (1)\no vlan traffic is working without issue. I have a pair of bonded, bridged NICs from my Unifi Pro switch coming in with VLANs enabled - br0.30 and br0.40 The networks configured on the Unifi Pro switch are not configured for Layer 3. My router is a VM within unraid running OPNSense with the three networks assigned br0, br0.30 and br0.40 also tagged within OPNSense and gateways of and respectively. Any device plugged into the switch or via an AP attached to the switch I do not obtain a DHCP lease for eithaer of the VLANs. Have also fired up a FreeBSD VM within unraid on both br0.30 or br0.40 networks and do not obtain a DHCP lease. I am only using IPv4 and can confirm DHCP is enabled on both of these subnets within OPNSense. Hoping someone can help me unravel this and get it working, diagnostics are attached. unraid-diagnostics-20221005-1503.zip
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