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Posts posted by franohern

  1. You can ignore this. My server wasn't hitting the internet. It was pointing to the address of my old router. Fixed that and everything seems to be working OK.



    Something really wrong went on during get_categories
    Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread

    No data was returned. It is probable that another browser session has rebooted your server. Reloading this browser tab will probably fix this error


    should note that I have indeed reloaded the tab many times and also searched for other instances of browser tabs pointing to the page. This started happening after I moved my server to a new rig.




  2. My unraid rig (which has been running almost constantly for more years than I can remember,) died recently. It was accidentally unplugged, and the MB would not boot afterwards. I had an old Core2 Duo PC in the attic ( the old box had a celeron in it), and after dealing with a number of issues, was finaly able to boot the server on that box. My old rig consisted of 3 drives, a WD Red 3tb parity drive, a WD Blue data 3tb drive and a WD 750 gig data drive. The 750 was an IDE interface drive (told you it had been running for years) and the new MB didn't have an IDE interface. So I bought a new WD Blue 3tb, placed it in the array, and rebuilt that drive. After the rebuild ended the GUI interface showed 128 errors on the parity drive.


    My questions are: how big of a problem is this?; do I need to replace the parity drive right away?; and how much does it matter what type of drive I replace it with?


    I'm thinking I would just get another of the WD Blue drives, but if another drive is more appropriate, I'd like to know that. I mainly use the server for streaming my music collection to my squeezeboxes, but my son wants to set up a VPN on it, and I often contemplate ripping all my blu-ray discs to the server and using it as a media server, although I haven't yet found time to get that project going, and wonder if it is likely that I ever will.


    Thanks in advance for any advice,



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