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  1. Hey I'm looking to help my server streamline the chunk generation with ATM8. I tried using /forge generate and have since learned that has(or had) memory leaks? Causes some severe sever lag. So I switched to chunky. Seems to be working, it generates the chunks and all, but it's god awful slow. Might be more of a docker question than anything. I've got it using 12gb of ram. Running on Two x5670s on an old Dell R510. This docker container doesn't even use 5% of the CPU available. I have it set in the Unraid options to utilize all but Core 0. What else might I change here? Edit: Double checked, using 24gb of RAM. Server has 156gb total, so I've got plenty to space.
  2. Thanks for the input. I'll use the swapfile and hopefully we don't see any more errors.
  3. I got this notification this morning after Fix Common Problems ran. The suggested fix is to post diagnostics here so I am putting it out there for some support. Running Unraid on an old Dell R510 2 x x5670 Cpus 128 GB of Ram Nvidia Quadro P400 (for transcoding) A handful of various sized drives 2 x SSDs for cache I MAINLY use unraid as a plex media server. I have started dabbling in things for Home Assistant (love it) and Nginx Reverse Proxy stuff. Using my FQDN to forward to specific pages and whatnot. My main dockers running are Radarr, Sonarr, Plex, Jellyfin, Tdarr, and SABNZBD. For RAM usage, I do have Sab downloading to ram using /dev/shm, but if I know correctly that only takes half of the available correct? I also have a script that preloads some Plex data into ram for smaller buffer times. That doesn't run on a schedule, only when I tell it to, but it only uses the other 50% of ram. I have been running these two in tandem for approx. 1 week with no issues until this morning. If more information is needed, I'll happily provide it. I'm trying to learn all of this on my own but every now and then I get stumped and turn to you guys and have received nothing but help, so thank you in advance! tower-diagnostics-20230928-0745.zip
  4. Well... thanks. That seems to be the issue here. I thought I had read up on that enough and knew what I was doing, but I guess I was wrong. Back to the books I go!
  5. So iperf gave me 944 Mbits/sec between computer and server. So I'm pretty sure something with "network" is having the issues. I'm going to unplug one of the ethernet cables and give her a go.
  6. I know like...the basics of iperf. I'll look into it and report back. I haven't tried different lan ports yet. I would hope everything plugged into that switch would work the same... ya know? This does NOT include this yet. I'll unplug one tonight and give it a test after I try out iperf.
  7. Unraid version 6.12.3 I'm having an issue with slow speeds over network. Not internally, that seems fine, but externally. Anything that my Unraid needs to connect to the internet for is god awful slow. I have 500 Mbps up and down and my normal computer can average around 400 Mbps both up and down. I used the Speedtest docker and tested it out and sure enough the server is only showing 95 Down, and 7 Up. Something doesn't seem right here. Specs: Dell R510 with 2 x x5670 Cpus 128Gb Ram 500gb (raid 0) SSD's for cache A mix of WD Hard drives for standard array. Nvidia Quadro P400 This server has 2 onboard NIC's and I have tried every combination I can think of over the last 2 weeks trying to figure this out. Right now I have both plugged in to a managed switch, that's really just acting as a normal switch. It's not aggregating them together. I have both of them set to "Bridged" and not "Bonded" on Unraid. I've attached my most recent diagnostics (I hope). Sorry, I have been trying to solve a lot of these issues on my own with learning, but this one has me stumped and it's really putting a damper on watching Plex while away from home. tower-diagnostics-20230817-1539.zip
  8. I believe I'm having permission issues with a couple dockers. I feel extremely new to all of this, but I've been having success for a while now. I recently added a Win10 VM and it works as expected. During the process I believe I may have messed up some permissions with my Plex Pass Docker, and my Deluge-vpn docker. Deluge - Starts and runs. When adding a torrent, it doesn't throw any errors and the file is added successfully. It starts downloading (at a VERY slow rate) and decays to nothing in a short matter of time. The folder where it is downloading to (An 'incomplete' folder) does not get any files in it. I have been using the Ubuntu torrent file as a check for all this. I have reinstalled Deluge once and went through the set-up. I forgot to change where the files are downloaded to, and it seemed to start downloading just fine. Once I got it back to where I would LIKE to to be downloaded to, it stopped again (hence why I believe it's a permission issue) Plex - Says it's started, but I can not access the WebUI, and nothing shows up under the port mappings categories . I have also removed and reinstalled Plex to no avail. "Fix common problems" doesn't show any errors on any of this, and I've tried using the "New Permissions" under Tools to help figure out what's wrong. Has anybody seen this problem before or can maybe help a guy out? Attached the full diag file. Hopefully someone can find something that sticks out because I can't... tower-diagnostics-20221027-2200.zip
  9. See Second post. I goofed.
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