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Posts posted by Emilia

  1. On 12/4/2022 at 1:11 PM, thx4nothing said:


    I fixed it. The path is the same as yours and I have enough space, but I just didn't notice that the /usr/share/elasticsearch/data path is inside the cointainer... haha (in my defense, I never saw a variable for a path inside the container before). Anyways, it couldn't create the files and folders because it lacked permissions. I used the same command "chown..." as earlier and now it successfully created all the things and it works now!



    Can you explain how you did this? Like you're saying that path is inside the container, but how do you go about changing the permissions inside the container using chown? Since you'd need to have permission to change the file permissions, which isn't the case since then you'd already have permissions in the first place.

    I did however try the following, that didn't give me an error but it didn't seem to fix the issue either.
    `docker exec -u root TubeArchivist-ES chown -R 777 /usr/share/elasticsearch`

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