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Posts posted by Posedin

  1. Hi Guys,


    My USB is damaged, and unfortunately, I didn't backup my flash drive. Despite this setback, I was able to restore the server by using a trial version and my screenshots of my parity and arrays. I manually reinstalled the majority of my plugins.


    How do I retrieve my Pro key? I send an email to support and I haven't heard back from them. 



  2. Problem 1  -  After I updated to Version: 6.11. and changed two drives and rebuild. I started noticing Owner (nobody & Unknown)


    Problem 2 - I have a docker that creates read only file but I want the file to be read/write because my radarr is not picking the files in the folder.

    - Radarr only picks the file if I change it to read/write otherwise the file stays there. What could possible be the issue?




  3. 6 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    There are no files on the parity drive(s).  In fact they have no file system.  Parity drives are just a "bucket of bits" with calculated values for the same position on all the data drives.

    Thanks for your help. After following the above steps, Disk1 looks okay but going thru parity check. I will try the same for disk3 once the parity is done.

    Here is the logs as requested. 


  4. 5 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    The problem is that it will format ALL drives that show as unmountable and that included disk1, not just the the new drives.   Since a format is treated like any other write operation this will also update parity accordingly.   This means as well as the new drives disk1 has also been formatted to have an empty file system.


    What is the state of your backups?



    unfortunately, I did not initiate a backup. Is there a way I can access parity files and move them to my cache for now? I don't have a lot of data. 

    I had 1 x  2tb and 2 x 1 tb before and I only used let says half of my 2TB capacity.

  5. I need some advice. So i've spent 2 days trying to replace and rebuild parity. I also realized I did not format the HDD before replacing the parity drive.


    After I upgraded and rebuilt party for 2 days. Everything looked good and docker was working as expected. I decided to upgrade 1 disk in my array and now its showing Unmountable.


    Btw The HD are brand new and I need not format nor preclear them cos the process to preclear 1 hdd is more than 24h. What should I do from here? I still have the old Parity I removed from the array.




  6. On 7/3/2022 at 10:20 PM, chest069 said:



    I was wondering if someone could make an Unraid app for Real-Debrid Torrent Client? (This is a web interface to manage your torrents on Real-Debrid or AllDebrid.) https://github.com/rogerfar/rdt-client


    I am currently using the docker file from the web site and it works but I feel like the setup would be easier if there was an app. I think I have everything right but I can't seem to get it to download to the right place and so my Radarr and Sonarr are not seeing where the files downloaded to and are not then importing them, I always have to do it manual.


    It works really well and it is the only thing that currently grabs and automatically downloads stuff from Real Debrid.


    Thanks for any help on this. I including the docker compose file.


    version: '3.3'
            container_name: rdtclient
                - 'D:/Downloads/:/data/downloads'
                - 'D:/Docker/rdt-client/:/data/db'
            image: rogerfar/rdtclient
            restart: always
                driver: json-file
                    max-size: 10m
                - '6500:6500'



    How did you get yours to work? I am new to unraid.

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