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Everything posted by j5i7

  1. I’ll share it when I can, unfortunately it’s an unlucky time as I’m in the middle of a move and my server is packed away and I don’t think I have a copy of the script elsewhere. However, in general I searched for an existing script that monitored the syslog, then modified it to look for the Ethernet disconnected message and when found, restart the server. Then I set the script to run every hour. I also added logging etc, I think it’s run about twice in the last six months or so. If I don’t post it in the upcoming week, remind me.
  2. Not a big update but I went ~20 days without an issue, then had it happen again. The only correlation I can fathom is that I turned on download overnight and it happened that same night. However, I haven't had any issues when streaming countless hours of TV off my NAS. Anyway, rather than throwing alternative hardware at it for the moment, I just created a script that scans the syslog for the ethernet crash message and will reboot the server if detected. Hopefully some driver update down the line fixes my issue, but for my current use case, it's not the end of the world for the server to gracefully restart every few weeks.
  3. It happened again right before I changed the ethernet cable. The log is a bit different and attached here again and partially quoted below. I updated my mobo to the latest BIOS revision which should be the only change between this and the prior one. Since this error message I've changed my ethernet cable. If I get another error, I'm tempted to turn off the ASPM in the bios and my next step (hoping that won't significantly affect power draw). syslog2
  4. I do have the pcie slot on my motherboard free and could put a half-height NIC in if need be (or a USB to ethernet adapter, but no clue of the USB overhead here). I don't currently own one, but may get one if need be. Do you think the the log looks like this was an intel driver issue? Or is this a PCI-E link issue that then resulted in a driver throwing an error (or hard to say)? The only 2.5gb cable that is isolated to this connection is a single ~6ft cable from my 2.5gb switch to my unraid box. I'll try swapping it for another cable that's known to be at least cat 6 and see from there (the current cable came from my steam link I think).
  5. Hello all, I've been really enjoying Unraid the last couple months I've had it, but I'm running into an annoying hiccup I was hoping some log / network wizard could help me with. Sporadically (every 1-2 weeks) my Unraid server will completely lose network connectivity. The server itself is still running just fine if I physically access it with a mouse and keyboard, but no network connectivity goes in or out (docker/ping/dashboard inaccessible form LAN or WAN and I can't ping out from the server to my router). If I reboot the server, everything works fine until the error occurs again. I can't pinpoint anything that makes it happen. I finally caught it again today and have attached my syslog from the error. I've also attached my diagnostics zip but this is from after rebooting. The syslog attached is prior to a reboot and I've put the critical excerpt at the bottom of this message. I'm not great at understanding this, but is this a intel driver error or a hardware error? Thanks for any and all guidance. Worst case... maybe the server could just gracefully reboot if this error is detected. syslog n1-diagnostics-20230116-1703.zip
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