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DJ Lobster

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Posts posted by DJ Lobster

  1. On 12/28/2023 at 1:43 PM, Green Dragon said:

    Here are some thoughts:


    >>Have you been able to get this working consistently?


    Other than the problem with starting the container (as i described earlier) Im having very few problems.  Having said that the platform is fairly new and so seems to have some performance issues and perhaps a little 'klunkiness'. (more on that later)


    >>The Twitch integration works fine, token fetched.


    Great!  I've submitted a bug report on the support page for this.
    Another thing I've noticed (likely related) is that each time I use the STOP option UnRaid warns me that the container is 'already started'


    >>I get Romm working to the point where it's scanning the library and then it identifies my snes folder as the right console, but then finds nothing (already set up the folder structure exactly like the wiki says) or while searching the container just stops.


    This sounds as though your folders are incorrectly named (according to IGDB).  They must match the folder from the website.  Just go to IGDB, Select the 'Database' tab, then select 'Platforms' from the dropdown.  This will bring up the list of supported gaming platforms on IGDB.  Click the platform for which to get the folder name then check the last part of the URL to get the folder name.  For EXAMPLE: If you need the name for the Amiga CD32 platform click 'Database', then 'Platforms', then the link for 'Amiga CD32'.  You will be taken to the IGDB Amiga CD32 page.  At the top of your browser find the URL which will end something like this '/platforms/amiga-cd32' (lead characters removed to stop linking).  The name of the folder RomM is expecting to map it to the correct IGDB platform is that following the last /  In this case the folder name will be 'amiga-cd32'.

    Note that if you do not want to change your folder names to match IGDB names you can use your existing folder names by mapping them in the config.yml file.  In the section for 'platforms:' add a line indicating what your folder name is and what the IGDB folder name is.  EXAMPLE amigacd32: 'amiga-cd32'.  There are examples in the file.  A word of caution on this; If you have both folders (yours and IDGB) EXAMPLE: both amigacd32 AND amiga-cd32 folders exist in your file system AND you have the mapping defined, RomM will create TWO entries for Amiga CD32 games in the left scrollbar index, both with the same titles.


    >>Once it stops once, it won't start again unless I edit the template like you are. I've deleted everything and tried again 3 times in the last week in case I was doing something wrong that I missed.


    This may be some of the 'klunkiness' I referred to earlier. Sometimes RomM 'appears' to be locked up, particularly when a scan is initiated.  Because unless you select a specific platform to scan, RomM will always start from the top and scan each platform, comparing what it finds in the folder to what is in the database.  I'm not sure if this would run faster with MariaDB instead of SQLite but that's something to consider.  It will often appear to stop for a very long time (say, 3-5 minutes) when scanning an already populated platform, no doubt driven by the number of titles in that platform.  I have found that opening and monitoring the 'logs' option in UnRaid Docker interface (left-click the RomM Docker icon then select 'logs') you can follow what RomM is doing.  You will see some interesting entries there.  Its really only useful for monitoring scans though as web activity logging is quite 'busy'.

    Its a new platform and the authors are working through bugs and feature requests.  This is a GREAT system but as with all new systems, it can be improved.  Having said that I am so happy with it I supported the author with a donation, will continue to do so as long as it is maintained, and will encourage others to do so as well.


    >>Once it stops once, it won't start again unless I edit the template like you are.


    I'm guessing its not actually 'stopped' but busy (see above) but I could be wrong.  I've learned to be patient.  If I think I have a problem I'll wait at least FIVE minutes before 'reloading' the container and starting again.


    >>I've also tried using the experimental redis options, setting up auth, just to see if I get a different outcome but it's always the same.


    I have changed nothing aside from folder names and mappings in the config.yml (as described above) and RomM seems to work fine with my EXTENSIVE list of platforms and titles.


    >>I've deleted everything and tried again 3 times in the last week in case I was doing something wrong that I missed.


    I'm very sorry that you're experiencing issues.  Hopefully, you will find something helpful in this response.


    Let me know if I can help in any way!


    Thanks so much for the thorough reply! I had the file structure down correctly. I'm still kind of new to Docker so I took your suggestion and just waited after it stopped to see what happened, but it was actually stopped and never came back up. Once I found out how, I confirmed by using 'docker ps -a' to see the status of it. I still have no idea why it was doing that and nothing at all was being logged from what I could tell, the logs just stop suddenly.


    I didn't change anything, but the latest update fixed my issues. I'm scanning everything fine now and I haven't had any issues besides a database issue that I was able to resolve easily. I'm able to restart/stop and start the container now without issues with the latest fix as well! I think this is exactly what I've been looking for and am excited about the upcoming features and some of the ideas I've seen in the discussions/issues on the GitHub. I'll be donating later this week for sure!

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/24/2023 at 4:03 PM, Green Dragon said:


    I found that (in unraid) I have to 'edit' the docker template each time I stop the container.  Simply toggling the network type back and forth (thus enabling the 'apply' button) then clicking 'apply' gets the container running.  Each time it 'successfully retrieves a token'.


    Have you been able to get this working consistently? The Twitch integration works fine, token fetched. I get Romm working to the point where it's scanning the library and then it identifies my snes folder as the right console, but then finds nothing (already set up the folder structure exactly like the wiki says) or while searching the container just stops. Once it stops once, it won't start again unless I edit the template like you are. I've deleted everything and tried again 3 times in the last week in case I was doing something wrong that I missed.


    I'm not getting any useful logs, all it says is:

    INFO:	  [RomM][2023-12-28 10:59:40] Starting scheduler
    INFO:	  [RomM][2023-12-28 10:59:40] Watching /romm/library/roms for changes


    I've also tried using the experimental redis options, setting up auth, just to see if I get a different outcome but it's always the same.

  3. 3 hours ago, KluthR said:

    The next plugin update is making progress! Ive implemented a "Skip backup?" option per container which allows you to skip backup but includes the container for stop/starts processes.


    The new grouping function is not done yet but it looks like this. Please note that a container can be assigned to one group only.

    I like this a lot. I was just setting up the plugin for the first time and was coming here to request this feature. Looking forward to the update!

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