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  1. 0 /var/log/pwfail 122M /var/log/unraid-api 0 /var/log/swtpm/libvirt/qemu 0 /var/log/swtpm/libvirt 0 /var/log/swtpm 0 /var/log/samba/cores/rpcd_winreg 0 /var/log/samba/cores/rpcd_classic 0 /var/log/samba/cores/rpcd_lsad 0 /var/log/samba/cores/samba-dcerpcd 0 /var/log/samba/cores/winbindd 0 /var/log/samba/cores/smbd 0 /var/log/samba/cores 5.0M /var/log/samba 0 /var/log/plugins 0 /var/log/pkgtools/removed_uninstall_scripts 0 /var/log/pkgtools/removed_scripts 28K /var/log/pkgtools/removed_packages 28K /var/log/pkgtools 488K /var/log/nginx 0 /var/log/nfsd 32K /var/log/libvirt/qemu 0 /var/log/libvirt/ch 60K /var/log/libvirt 128M /var/log It looks like the unraid API is most of the space
  2. Hello, my Syslog has filled up. I wasn't paying attention to the server for a few days. I thought it was unmanic causing the fuss, but after twiddling with that, it didn't seem like that was the case. How do I go about preventing this in the future? My diagnostics are attached. Thank you diagnostics-20240119-0915.zip
  3. Problem: My Unraid system, as of late, (this last week,) seemingly randomly and suddenly stopped communication with my router. My router does not see my server in its devices at times; though, the server is still connected to the internet as I can go into individual docker containers or the GUI and see them still performing internet related tasks. I noticed this problem when my SWAG instance for one of my dockers wasn't loading properly, so I assumed it was something related to that. After checking everything about the certs and if the dockers themselves had problems, I figured that it wasn't that. So I checked my router page for port forwarding if that was the problem, but, no, it was still forwarding fine. What I did see, after looking at the router, was that the Unraid server, (despite being connected physically with an ethernet cable,) was not being shown in the connected devices list, and this was (I think) making the network unable (or not wanting to) forward packets to the server. I restarted the network and checked the connecting cabling, but that didn't solve the issue. I then restarted the server, then it began to connect and work again. This "fix" only works for a few hours before the server becomes disconnected again. Every time that this has happened, the above fix worked to solve it temporarily. Recently, though, the server has become unresponsive and I am unable to access the GUI or docker containers active while this is happening anymore. I connected my monitor, but it showed a black screen. I had to do an unclean restart, so I wasn't able to get logs for the recent problem, but when it does this again, (and doesn't freeze up like this time,) I'll comment below with those logs. What is my problem and how do I solve it? System Information: I'm using Unraid 12.4 with the following plugins: Community Applications Compose Manager Dynamix File Manager Dynamix System Information Dynamix System Stats Dynamix System Temp Fix Common Problems (which has detected nothing relevant to this issue) FolderView Unassigned Devices / Plus Unraid Connect User Scripts My drives have also passed their SMART tests with nothing out of the ordinary. I am using a MacVlan for my docker network. I have a static assigned IP in the unraid network settings that is the same as the static IP reserved in the router. My DNS servers are normal. My server is connected to my router by ethernet (cables are fine) through an unmanaged switch. (Server > Switch > Router > Modem) I am not overclocking. No new Dockers or Plugins have been added to my server since this problem has started occurring. My system is an 13700K CPU with 128 GB DDR5 RAM and 5x6TB drives and 1x4TB drive. Two parity and 4 JBOD. It is connected to a UPS that supports an hour life and the server is configured to do a clean shutdown after a few minutes on the UPS. The router is a stock google fiber router managed by Google Home.
  4. Yeah, it's working now. Not sure what happened before that made it stop working, as it was fine until I updated it via the GUI. What file holds all the previous adlists/whitelists/blacklists that I was using before? I re-enabled the DHCP server and it's still working fine now.
  5. After restarting it is still like this: And the directory has changed back to this:
  6. It didn't do much of anything except set the owner to UNKNOWN on the gravity.db* files
  7. When the issue started, I tried setting the perms of the files it couldn't access to "nobody", but pihole kept setting them back to "root" or "UNKNOWN"
  8. Hello, I am having the problem that after updating to the most recent version yesterday, it no longer works. The error I get in the docker is this: And I notice that it must be a permission issue, right? So I go change the files from "root" ownership back to "nobody". However, after doing this, it immediately returns back to being owned by "root" after it is turned back on. (Same thing for the "UNKNOWN owner.) Looking at the logs in pihole when it is started up shows this: And these files that it is referencing are files that keep getting reset to "root" ownership for a reason I don't know how to fix. How do I resolve this issue?
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