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Posts posted by explosionhole

  1. I have an HP Microserver Gen10, with a customised Intel Xeon class CPU installed and oodles of RAM. It only has a single HDD behind the main disk array, which will be added to when budgets allow... It is connected via a small LAN with all media playback devices (i.e. TVs) connected to it by ethernet.


    While watching something via the Infuse app on Apple TV, configured to use SMB shares, the performance becomes terrible if I try to upload a new video file at the same time. This could be local system file copying or via SSH, both using different protocols to SMB being used for streaming.


    I cannot believe this system is incapable of performing both tasks simultaneously, and also expect equal / opposition questions about the performance of the Infuse application, which I am pursuing separately.


    What and/or how should I direct either the performance or to get better diagnose in future?


  2. Having an issue deploying this templated container. I am choosing to provide a Fixed IP ( and setting the ServerIP to this Unraid server (


    This choice allows me to leave the required default ports. Otherwise, my other configs would block this, such as Nginx Proxy Manager for routing of multiple domain traffic.


    When I run this container and set my laptop's DNS manually to, the Bitwarden Safari extension (pointing to the Vaultwarden container on the same Unraid) no longer functions. The Unraid UI seems to change the server-side IP address, as in the screenshot below. It starts initially with <-->

    and repeated for all rows.


    And my only fix is to restart all networking services (reboot is simpler!)


    What am I doing wrong?



  3. 6th July 2023


    Updated Unraid to 6.12.2 last week. Upon reboot, I cannot start my core container, NPM. My other core containers do start, such as a database container, password vault container, etc.


    I see in the system logs, NPM wants port 443, but is in use. I never had this problem before. There is an O/S-level Nginx instance running that is using 443. If it isn't created by the Unraid UI, I do not know what it is. Nor why the config changed to take this port. This would affect anyone attempting to bind this port to a Docker platform running inside the core O/S.


    It is an O/S-native service, by my initial view.


    If I try to manually start the NPM container, it prompts "Execution error"


    Updated Unraid to 6.12.2 this past week. Upon reboot, I cannot start my core container, NPM. My other core containers do start, such as a database container, password vault container, etc.


    I see in the system logs, NPM wants port 443, but is in use. I never had this problem before. There is an O/S-level Nginx instance running that is using 443. If it isn't created by the Unraid UI, I do not know what it is. Nor why the config changed to take this port. This would affect anyone attempting to bind this port to a Docker platform running inside the core O/S.


    It is an O/S-native service, by my initial view.


    If I try to manually start the NPM container, it prompts "Execution error".


    Forum posts from many years ago suggest editing a `/config/go` but the parameter no longer exists.




  4. I clicked the Update notification in the UI for 6.12.2. It seemed to complete ok and rebooted.


    Docker is running. I have a core set of containers for data storage and network routing. The MariaDB container auto-starts.


    I use Nginx Proxy Manager for network routing between containers. This does not start and produces the error of this thread.


    If I drop into the Terminal, `netstat -anop | grep 443` returns:


    tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      2516/nginx: master   off (0.00/0/0)
    tcp6       0      0 ::1:443                 :::*                    LISTEN      2516/nginx: master   off (0.00/0/0)


    Why is there a process outside of Unraid running, as it will block my ability to use this port within Docker? Can I stop it? If so, how? There aren't any config settings for this in the standard UI.


    If it is erroneous, how might it have got there? I am human, therefore prone to error. I can't rule it out....


    I expect that freeing this port will allow NPM container to start, which in turn will allow the others. Is this sensible?


    Attached the diagnostics.



  5. Got this up and running, as I had expected...


    The end-user request would look like `https://full.domain.name/webdav`, so for Seafile config of the WebDAV component is in a file (specified within the Seafile container config) `<seafile-data-location>/seafile/conf/seafdav.conf`:


    enabled = true
    port = 8089
    share_name = /seafdav


    On the NPM side, as it is a "route" rather than an entirely separately hosted solution it needs a "Custom Location", inside the existing Proxy Host for the above site, that points my `full.domain.name` to the internal container's point, in my case" `http://tower:8082`:

    Location: `/seafdav`
    Scheme: `http`
    Forward Hostname/IP: `tower`
    Forward Port: `8089` (from above config file)



  6. 4 hours ago, MAM59 said:

    I dont know that seafood thing, but I guess, you are wrong, "/" should be the correct path.

    This is, because the thing is not "behind" a webserver, but behind an (invisible) reverse proxy.

    Within the docker's webserver, the seamonster is the only "application" and therefor belongs to the webroot.


    within NPM this would be a new proxy host pointing <ip>:8080


    (btw: MANY dockers run on 8080, so you may need to use the bridge mode and assign a different port to your seacow).



    So the basis of choosing another proxy host, rather than redirection host, is the use of a different endpoint / port? Thanks for that nugget.


    Given that this is all hosted within a single container, which may have different ports exposed, I wasn't sure how NPM interacted with it.


    Their documentation states to not use "/" behind a proxy, as this is already configured for the main app routing. But I haven't tried it - querying the community if there is prior experience.


    So I will try with my existing path first. Can re-deploy the containers with the other config.

  7. Can someone help with the best implementation for Seafile's WebDAV configuration please?




    I have the seafdav.conf file in the right location, using "/seafdav" as my share name / path.


    I use Nginx Proxy Manager in-front of the Seafile container with my custom URL as a Proxy Host.


    How do I add in the extra Nginx config? Should this be:

    • A "Custom Location" inside the Proxy Host config?
    • A new Proxy Host?
    • A new Redirection Host?
  8. this is my `script` syntax:


    #name=blah blah blah
    #argumentDescription=This is the description of the argument(s)
    #argumentDefault=defaultArg1 defaultArg2 etc
    docker exec mariadb sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"password" | gzip > /mnt/backups/unraid_`date "+%d-%m-%Y"`.sql.gz'
    find /mnt/user/data/Backups/mariadb/ -type f -mtime +15 | xargs rm


  9. I cannot see any difference in punctuation from the default provided scripts. File permissions are the same.


    I had to debug it by re-running it while editing the script, but it executes now.

  10. Installed the User Scripts plugin, and followed the usage / guides to populate the various files.


    After adding the script and executing it, I cannot now run in the background or schedule it for future runs.


    Is this a known issue? Is there a fix?

  11. 1 hour ago, trurl said:

    This command is for running on Unraid. It executes a command in the container and sends the results to a path on Unraid.

    I know this.


    What I don't (off-hand) understand is the user and permission model for Unraid with Docker containers.


    If this was a pure Docker (or other container platform), I would use newer "volumes" not "bind volumes". However, adopting to a new platform, I am trying to follow the typical patterns that follows the Unraid GUI.




  12. thanks for the pointer.


    when selecting the deployed Mariadb-Official container, so view it's config it actually lists a command to perform backups, which they have as:


    docker exec MariaDB-Official sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD"' > /mnt/user/Backups/all-databases.sql


    Which I tried, by adding a new "bind" volume to the container's config and pointing the paths. Now I get "permission denied", presumably the local user this is running as within this container doesn't have permissions to my new "bind" volume. I cannot identify which user I am on the container's console.


    docker exec mariadb sh -c 'exec mysqldump --all-databases -uroot -p"YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD" | gzip > /backups/unraid_`date '+%d-%m-%Y'`.sql.gz'



  13. I have installed the user.scripts plugin, which is very useful, and have copied across a backup script (originally written for MySQL, but reusing here for my new MariaDB docker container).


    It errors with:


    /tmp/user.scripts/tmpScripts/mariadb-backup/script: line 11: mysqldump: command not found


    Under which environment and user is this executing? I am assuming on the Unraid's OS itself and as `root`.


  14. Spent an hour on the phone with Apple Support. Ended up talking this through with a "senior engineer" from a Photos.app specialist.


    Apple do not support network-attached storage for the Photos app. I could submit this as a new feature request.


    So I need to ask among the Unraid community, if people have this setup and similar size library sizes? (c.300GB)


    Or do Mac users prefer to keep Photos with "local" storage (USB or internal)?


  15. I have a 300GB Photos library. I have until now used this with locally-attached USB drives, with an APFS formatted partition.


    I do not like the inconvenience of connecting, mounting and being tethered to this physical device. I would also prefer to centralise this on my Unraid instance, that can also be included in my offsite backup config.


    However, it crashes every time.


    The source bundle has been successfully copied to Unraid, via SSH / SFTP using `root` user, and then correcting the filesystem permissions.


    After this, holding down Option key while starting the app allows me to select which Photos library I would like to open. I choose the new copy on the SMB share. It takes a long time, but errors.


    I have now twice used Control + Option, which enables a repair of the library. This still crashes.


    Can I ask for any help please?


    I have attached the latest crash log. It doesn't mean much to me, and I cannot see any obvious errors...



    Unraid Open SMB Photos library.txt

  16. What is the preferred method to have a new volume to mount to newer versions of macOS (Ventura, 13.x+)?


    This would be used to host my iTunes / Music and Photo libraries using a network-mounted volume. I can add new music to it, as well as play from it from Apple TV's in my house / network if it is running on my MacBook. The same with Photos.


    I can add this location to my Unraid's offsite backup as well.



  17. I am also having this same issue, and have not found a published solution or thread that discusses this.


    Initially, I deployed the 2 containers on the default "bridge" network. Connectivity from the PHPMyAdmin container can only use IP addresses here, which causes me a problem with hard-coding. My intention is to have a SINGLE mariadb container, servicing the back-end needs for many other app-based containers. However, in the PHPMyAdmin's config, under "MYSQL_HOST", if I put in `mariadb` it cannot connect. If I put in the assigned MariaDB container's IP, it works.


    Docker documentation, at this time of writing, states "--link" is deprecated and to use networking configuration to allow this. Using user-defined networks allows name-based resolution as well as IP addresses. This sounds ideal for me!


    At the main "tower.local" console (from the GUI's top-right options), I issued:


    docker network create main-net


    I re-created the MariaDB-Official and PHPMyAdmin containers, both connected to this new `main-net` network.


    In the PHPMySQLAdmin, I was still specifying "mariadb" (the name of the mariadb container) under the `MYSQL_HOST` field. When I try to connect, it still errors. But if look in the MySQL's log file, I see:



    Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)


    Which suggests the correct container (mariadb) IS being hit with the PHPMyAdmin login request. The PHPMyAdmin is specifying the "@''" as part of the connection string.


    To test this, I redeployed the PHPMyAdmin container, hard-coding the `mariadb` container's IP address ( Now it logs in fine! But I have hard-coded.


    If I go to the `mariadb` User Accounts section, these are the default users in my setup:



    I created a NEW user, with a specific "Host name" entry of the PHPMyAdmin container, (to mimic the log file entry I saw).



    Then I redeploy the PHPMyAdmin container to use the `mariadb` as the MYSQL_HOST entry. Retrying the PHPMyAdmin login, which is now successful.


    Why is the 'root'@'%' not being applied to my authentication, to cover the scenario of `'root'@''`?

    I thought this was the point of the "%" (basically saying ANY host) configuration?



  18. Some research against the Docker documentation, custom (user) created networks allow for additional container hostname lookups across the network - precisely what I need.


    at the main "tower.local" console (from the GUI's top-right options), I issued:


    docker network create main-net


    I re-created the MariaDB-Official and PHPMyAdmin containers, both connected to this new `main-net` network.


    In the PHPMySQLAdmin, I was still specifying "mariadb" (the name of the mariadb container) under the `MYSQL_HOST` field. When I try to connect, it still errors and if I look in the MySQL's log file, I see:



    Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)


    Which suggests the correct container (mariadb) IS being hit with the PHPMyAdmin login request. The MariaDB user is specifically using the


    as part of the connection string.


    To test this, I redeployed the PHPMyAdmin container, hard-coding the `mariadb` container's IP address ( Now it logs in fine! But I have hard-coded.


    If I go to the `mariadb` User Accounts section, these are the default users in my setup:




    I created a NEW user, with a specific "Host name" entry of the PHPMyAdmin container, (to mimic the log file entry I saw).




    Then I redeploy the PHPMyAdmin container to use the `mariadb` as the MYSQL_HOST entry. Retrying the PHPMyAdmin login, which is successful.


    Why is the 'root'@'%' not being applied to my authentication, to cover the scenario of `'root'@''`? I thought this was the point of this configuration?



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