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Posts posted by DS18

  1. I have 2 unraid devices on the same local network, 1 is more of a client serving up all my apps and the other is a storage device. I connect from the client to the storage device over NFS and it connects fine but after some time, i get an Invalid Path issue on the client. The mount says its mounted still so i have to unmount and remount. I have it set to automount but i still need to remount and i typically notice this when i cannot connect to some apps on my client that depend on the data from the storage device. I have security turned on on the storage device with this: `,rw,insecure,anongid=100,anonuid=99,no_root_squash)` Security is set to private, export no. Nothing special on the client device outside of 2 apps (plex and immich) have the share mounted as a volume for content.


    Immich Mount looks like this:

    ` - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}/immich:/usr/src/app/upload`



    Plex is slightly different since its in a different compose file:

    `- /mnt/remotes/TOWER_media:/data:rw,slave`


    Unsure if i need the slave part. 


    Does anyone have any idea why my share keeps dropping after some unknown time/reason?

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