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Posts posted by OneTimeCookie

  1. @binhex Thank you for replying..


    Interesting as I've never had that issue before and it was just recently that this happened.

    I also tried going to the directory /dev/net/tun but it didn't even exist so I'm really puzzled why this would've happened.


    You are spot on. I'm not using Unraid but a Turnkey Linux in Proxmox.

    Will have to investigate if this is related to the container not being privileged.


    Scratching my head now.

  2. Hi all,


    I'm having some problems using DelugeVPN to connect to ExpressVPN which was previously working.

    I've tried using NordVPN too but am still facing the same problem.


    I initially thought it was the version but seems to be something else and I'm clueless to why it is happening and was hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I've also played around hoping to find my own fix but was unable to thus reaching out to community for assistance.


    I've attached both delugevpn logs and the docker command line that I used to get it working.


    Thank you in advance.

    _delugevpn_logs.txt delugeVPN docker.txt

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