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Posts posted by Kertz

  1. On 3/21/2022 at 3:34 AM, bonienl said:


    Yes, the "Proceed" button is still visible but disabled. Nothing will happen when you press it again.



    Clicking on 'X' closes the dialog and allows the user to navigate in the GUI as normal, the running operation continues in the background (even when the browser is closed).

    When the user revisits the File Manager it will re-open the dialog with the current status. This even works when the File Manager is opened on a different PC/browser.


    Clicking on 'Cancel' terminates the running operation, keep in mind that this may leave an incomplete operation. E.g. canceling a move operation half way will result in some files being moved but not all.


    I don't think "Clicking on 'Cancel' terminates the running operation, keep in mind that this may leave an incomplete operation. E.g. canceling a move operation half way will result in some files being moved but not all." is working as intended on my machine running v2023.02.19 

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. start a copy operations (mine was >1tb consisting of many files)

    2. cancel copy operation

    3. process will still be running in htop, dynamix  UI will not show that a copy is taking place. The copy continues to pick up more files in the list as opposed to stopping part way through or finishing current whole file then stopping. 


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