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  1. I stumbled upon the same problem today as well (although the timing is probably a coincidence), also while creating a debian VM. First occurence was when renaming the VM after succesfully installing and booting into debian. This moved the .img file to a different folder within the "domains" share, while at the same time changing the folder values in the VM config. Afterwards, same UEFI shell as in the first post. I played around a little bit, it seems as if the VM works as intended, until the vdisk file path in the config is changed. Even if it is changed back to the same value as it was originally. I also tried using /mnt/user or /mnt/cache paths. I currently have a working debian VM (because I never changed the file path after installation), however, if I create a second VM pointing to the same vdisk file, it again shows the UEFI shell on boot.
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