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House Of Cards

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Posts posted by House Of Cards

  1. I noticed that the backup contains orphaned .XML files from old dockers I've since deleted.  Any idea where those are located and being pulled from so I can delete them?  If they are in the .IMG file itself, is there a way to clean that?

  2. On 1/8/2024 at 5:57 PM, kizer said:


    Don't know if this will help you much, but its an idea. 



    Thanks, but my need was much simpler.  In the first line of the script I put the following which generates a random number between the applicable season range...

    season=$((RANDOM % (1969 - 1929 + 1) + 1929))


    Then I modify the copy line to read...

    cp -R /mnt/user/"Television- All Media"/"Looney Tunes (1929)"/"Season $season" /mnt/user/"Television- Media Server"/"Looney Tunes (1929)"


    Been working like a charm.  Each week it adds a different random season.  There are quite a few use cases for this, but because there are like 40 seasons of this show, I can change it each week (new in Monday, old out Sunday) so you get a random classic cartoon in your television shuffle.

  3. Greeting everyone,


    I'm trying to configure TrueNAS as a backup for an UnRAID server.  I'm struggling a bit, and I'm wondering if any of you can point me in the right direction?


    I have Syncthing installed on both, they are both communicating, and they are connected as devices to each other.


    I have mapped Syncthing on UnRAID to the location of the user shares (/mnt/user/share1).  
    I have created separate datasets on TrueNAS to store copies of each share (/tank/backup/dataset1).




    On UnRAID, Syncthing in Docker uses a user "PUID" of 99, and a "GUID" of 100 for share access.
    On TrueNAS, Syncthing is set to use a "UID" and "GID" of 568.  


    If I change the UID/GID in TrueNAS, the container doesn't deploy properly due to permissions.
    In the current configuration, I get permission errors when I connect the two directories.


    On UnRAID, I'm only setting the sync to push the share.  I don't want Syncthing changing primary files/permissions.


    Can anyone point me to what I'm missing?  I'm fairly certain it's a permission issue, but TrueNAS seems insistent on running as UID/GID of 568.  I'm sure there is some simple thing I'm overlooking, but I don't want to make a worse permissions issue doing this incorrectly.


    Any help would be much appreciated.

  4. Hello,


    I am working on my backup strategy, and have built a second NAS for backup purposes.  I have mounted the remote NFS shares in UnRAID (/mnt/remotes), but don't want to share them from UnRAID.  All I want is to have Syncthing run as a user with full access to the files in my shares, and sync to the second machine (TrueNAS)...


    Well TrueNAS creates its own users...  You can create a user there and set the UID/GID when you create the user...  UnRAID...  Not so much.


    When I initially created my users during UnRAID setup, it was "nice enough" to create those users with 1000, 1001, 1002, etc...  Of course these now conflict with everything else I have set up on the network.  This isn't a terrible thing day to day because we access everything with shares... but now for basic file sync outside the share functions, the UID/GID's won't match between the systems.


    Both systems share "root" with UID/GID's of zero.  Any suggestions/caveats on how to do this securely? 


    I could have Syncthing run as the root account so it is sure to copy everything, but I'd rather create a specific user for syncthing.  The issue is that I don't see how to tell UnRAID what UID/GID to use.  Is that even possible?  Seems like basic server functionality to me, but it's not in the GUI as I can find.


    Any thoughts how to best accomplish this?



  5. Love this plugin....  Thanks @Squid for all your ongoing efforts...


    Maybe a script aficionado could help me modify this script?  I do some overly tedious scheduling of media content from a location with everything in it, to a location with "active" content.  This makes my media server constantly cycle in/out content so it's interactive.  Works great, but I have a special case where I don't want to schedule 80 scripts...


    Don't laugh, but it's Looney Tunes, with like 40 seasons.  😆


    Here is a basic script I would use for content in...


    mkdir -p /mnt/user/"Television- Media Server"/"Family Guy (1999)"
    cp /mnt/user/"Television- All Media"/"Family Guy (1999)"/* /mnt/user/"Television- Media Server"/"Family Guy (1999)"/
    cp -R /mnt/user/"Television- All Media"/"Family Guy (1999)"/"Season 01" /mnt/user/"Television- Media Server"/"Family Guy (1999)"


    I need to modify this script to create a VARIABLE between "1929" and "1969", and substitute that number for the season number in the copying commands.  All the documentation I found on this is confusing, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. Happy new year...


    I switched to UnRAID from TrueNAS some time ago...


    I'm looking for advice at leveraging the old TrueNAS system which is still very adequate for most tasks.  My goal is to implement a backup strategy utilizing the EEC memory and hardware of the TrueNAS machine to keep a separate snapshot of the shares from my main UnRAID system... 


    I have the Unassigned Devices plugin installed, and TrueNAS Scale is up and running on the network.  My main question is whether you all have ideas about the best way to do this... specifically, which system to push or pull from?  Should I mount a share on TrueNAS to UnRAID, or vice-versa?  Does anyone have ideas about which system might have the best utility to SYNC the shares between the two?


    Essentially, I'd like to use something like RSYNC to periodically sync an UnRAID share to a TrueNAS dataset.  Then let TrueNAS make periodic snapshots in case something needs recovery.  TrueNAS can sync to cloud storage pretty reliably, so I can long-term store things offsite from there.


    Any advice/caveats?  I appreciate the help...



  7. On 11/25/2023 at 2:21 PM, Kilrah said:

    Syncthing just isn't meant for that, the whole point is being a "serverless", p2p way to sync between your multiple devices, not for sharing something on a server to multiple people.

    You can change the webui port but you'll still run into issues with the transfer ports conflicting.

    This is a case where you should probably use br0 and give each instance its own IP, so they can all use the standard ports if you really want to use this.


    The issue with syncthing is that it isn't even meant for what you describe.  If you have two laptops that you and the wife share, you can't even run syncthing for both users on the same machine to sync directly between the two laptops.  Syncthing is a great tool as long as only one person uses each device.  The fact that it isn't multi-user is a failure at this point.  It's NOT a new project, and they haven't done anything to address multi-user environments...  It seems like it's not even on their radar...


    Maybe you all have a better suggestion?  I just want each user to have a folder on their machine which syncs with a folder on UnRaid.  Why this seems to be something which requires a networking degree is amazingly hard to believe.  LOL


    I tried Seafile, but it needs an external SQL database, and when I set it up, it seemed unreliable.  Occasionally I'd find that the sync stopped happening for no reason (docker update, maybe?), and you'd have no idea.  Rsync, scripting, remote access, all these "workarounds"...  It seems like this is a common need with no simple soltion for those who want plug-and-play.  So your options are a service like dropbox or mega.nz...  None which are open source or local control.


    I'm open to ideas....  I'll look into traefek more also...



  8. On 11/23/2023 at 9:42 AM, primeval_god said:

    I wasnt suggesting a reverse proxy to the internet. I use one (traefik) purely locally so that all my services are on different named paths vs different ports. You can go a step further and put the reverse proxy container on an ipvlan type network so it has its own ip address and serves on the common ports 80 and 443.

    I might look into something like Traefik down the road, but I can't even see the pricing on their site without signing up.  I do see a need for remote access for media, etc... Maybe this could make that simple in my CG-NAT world?


    Right now though, I'm running into the same issues I remember from previous syncthing attempts.  I need to make syncthing start on a shared machine using the port for that user...  The fact that syncthing is setup like this is frustrating as hell.  It reminds me of the Windows 95 networking password.  Where you just clicked "cancel" and accessed the stuff anyway.  LOL

  9. 1e9cf4b97e32

    7 hours ago, primeval_god said:

    You would change the host port.


    Using the linux user id sounds kind of complicated to me. Would that be the user id from unRAID or from another machine? How will the users know their id? 

    Personally i prefer using a reverse proxy like traefik for something like this. Then each user can have a nice address to use http://Server_IP:Traefik_Port/username/


    My remote access has grief; I'm using CG-NAT so the IP is shared with other cellular users.  I have yet to figure out that aspect, as I don't have a real need for remote access anyhow.  It's on the back burner though on my to-do list.


    I've always been mystified that Syncthing sticks to this single-user design.  It really cripples the software.


    So I'm only needing this for three people.  They are the only accounts with storage on my network anyway.  They don't "need" to know their User ID.  I can just create bookmarks with their ID's in the port, and password-protect the Syncthing GUI.  That's the server-side thinking.  After that I'd need to multi-user the individual machines instance also.  The single-user model is really over-complicating this as usual though.  Unfortunately, everything else I've tried has its own problems.  I'd like to get this up and running.


    In essence, I'm just trying to sync one share per user on UnRAID with multiple laptops/desktops for each user.  So their folder stays up-to-date with what's on the server share.

  10. Good evening,


    Since Syncthing isn't multi-user, I'm thinking I need to create two Syncthing Docker containers (one for each user), and give each a different port number.  Correct?


    For port numbers, I could use the Linux User ID.  Ideally, I'd like Syncthing to run and be accessed using that ID as the port, but I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong.  When I change the port to something other than 8384, Syncthing can't be reached.  So, for example, if Joe was user 1234, I'd like the docker instance to run on port 1234, and Joe to access the Server_IP:1234 to see his files, and set up sync for his stuff.  User Stacy's Docker could be running on port 4321, and access her files from Server_IP:4321.




    1.  Does that sound reasonable, and which do I change to the variable port I want?




    Should I use the default "Bridge" network, or my custom network where other dockers reside?  Best practice-wise?


    I appreciate the advice on getting more than one instance of this running....



  11. 19 hours ago, scolcipitato said:


    In this case, the image is on my server.

    As you can see, you can input links to external sites (ex. GitHub). But remember, everything is requested client side, so if you have any ad blocker or, maybe there are problems with CORS, the request may be blocked, and you end up not seeing the icon. If this doesn't work, send a screenshot of the browser console (if there is anything).

    This is the answer...  Unlike the previous version that automatically stored an icon you browsed for, this version requires you to make a location on your server for the files, and type in the path...


    I was hoping this wasn't the only way, but I ended up making a folder on my flash drive for the icons.

  12. 3 hours ago, KluthR said:

    Which different paths? To backup to? Separate the backup?


    The plugin always creates separate archives for each docker container, yes.  That's not what I'm referring to.  I am referring specifically to the two options for backing up VM and the Flash Drive.




    Basically, if you select yes, enable an option to select an alternate path.  So you could specify that those items are stored somewhere different from the docker backups.  The pretty important use case is that the flash backup is "special", in that most of us store everything on Unraid because that's where our main storage is.  But what if Unraid won't boot?  You can't get to the backups this plugin creates until you get a copy of your flash backup off the server.  This would enable you to keep the relatively small flash backup somewhere separate from the rest.


    That's what I was previously doing, but that functionality didn't port over to the updated version.  Of course there are workarounds, but this would simplify restoration in a worst-case situation.


    As always, I appreciate the work you're doing to keep this plugin alive.  I'm by no means complaining, I just think this is a pretty important functionality for backing up, and would be helpful. 


    Have a great weekend. 

  13. Screenshot_20231101_124155.png.dbc01913d0353b9433ca56a7df814e48.pngThis beta server is creating entries in the root of the Unraid file system with the names of the paths you specify in the configuration.  The directories are empty, and the paths are set up properly in the docker config, but it's happening consistently.


    So if I create a path variable in the docker configuration, and set the host path to the Unraid server share location, and set the container path to /mnt/Movies... it creates a "Movies" folder in the root of Unraid, which is a no-no...


    Could it be that this variable is set by the beta docker, which is not set by the default Emby docker?




  14. This beta server is creating entries in the root of the Unraid file system with the names of the paths you specify in the configuration.  The directories are empty, and the paths are set up properly in the docker config, but it's happening consistently.


    So if I create a path variable in the docker configuration, and set the host path to the Unraid server share location, and set the container path to /mnt/Movies... it creates a "Movies" folder in the root of Unraid, which is a no-no...


    Could it be that this variable is set by the beta docker, which is not set by the default Emby docker?




  15. On 4/10/2023 at 10:23 AM, KluthR said:

    ToDo / Roadmap


    Any word on recreating the previous functionality to allow specifying a different path for the flash drive as well as the VM data?  It's super handy that all the containers back up somewhere, but users may need/want to store their flash drive somewhere else, for example...  If Unraid is down, it would be handy to have the flash drive stored somewhere else.  If you can't boot Unraid, you can't get to your flash backup if it's on the server with everything else...

    • Upvote 2
  16. So I can't fix the double NAT.  I have cellular internet, so I will have to try some advanced workaround, and I'm hoping you guys/gals can step-by-step me through setting up remote access for my Emby server?


    What is the accepted, secure way to do this?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  17. On 5/20/2023 at 10:39 AM, Squid said:

    FWIW, I have never had a SMB transfer fail when using default settings.  Never used NFS once.


    Is there any downside to adding this to UnRAID's Samba settings?


        domain master = yes
        preferred master = yes
        local master = yes
        os level = 255


    Just to make sure the UnRAID server is always "in charge"....

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