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Everything posted by mbible1949

  1. thanks for the help and I will mark this as solved in about 24 hours after the parity drive rebuild.
  2. Hey I found your instructions for another user about this and used the following:
  3. All went well. Do I do anything about the Parity drive with red x?
  4. OK. Assuming all goes well with Disk 4, what should I do about the parity drive ( i have two) that has the red x. To be clear only one of the parity drives has the red x.
  5. Ran the check and got this: Phase 1 - find and verify superblock... Phase 2 - using internal log - zero log... ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to be replayed. Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before re-running xfs_repair. If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair. Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount of the filesystem before doing this. I retried to mount Disk 4 by stopping the array in Maintenance mode and restarting the array but Disk 4 still was unmountable. I assume I should run the Disk check with -L now.
  6. After latest startup, Disk 4 of my 6 drive array (5 x 8TB ironwolf and 1 x 4 TB ironwolf) was shown to be Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system. I thought it might be a bad cable so I changed the cable out with no change. At that point I was at a loss so I tried moving to another slot to see if I could ascertain if the drive might be bad. At some point, I also received a Red X on one of my two parity drives ( 2 x 12 TB). I am at a loss where to go or what to do. I have attached the diagnostics file and thank you in advance for any advice/help. ... Other Media delltower-diagnostics-20240416-1720.zip
  7. Sorry to be off topic but I cannot find where to ask about not being able to find the "Redeem Activation Code" to upgrade.
  8. Thanks. I am using a pc case that had tons of drive bays but guess I need to add some fans to lower the temp. The ambient temp is doing me no favors also. Love the Ukrainian Flag as we hosted a Ukrainian family for several months until they got settled in the US thanks again
  9. I am really just trying to find out if I need to replace these now or can I take a little time to do it. Thanks again
  10. Thanks 451plus-diagnostics-20230322-1640.zip
  11. I recently repurposed a Qnap Nas TS-451+ to unraid. It has 4 x 8TB drives. The parity drive and one of the array drives shows a thumbs down on the dashboard. The drives are Ironwolf NAS drives. I have completed a short and extended self test (says passed with no errors). I am in the last hours or a data migration to the unraid server of approximately 10 TB of media from my main media server (this will be a backup). I have attached the smart report download for the parity drive labeled 451Parity and Disk 2 so also labeled. I have limited experience with bad drives so far but it may be that they are all going bad at once <grin> Thanks in advance for any help received. 451Parity-20230322-1231.zip 451Disk_2_20230322-1234.zip
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