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Posts posted by matthewjt

  1. What user does this script run as?  Is there an option for me to run as another user?


    The reason I ask is I have an rsync script that will backup folders to an external SFTP.  I tried setting up the same SSH keys for both root and the user, but it doesn't seem to want to work properly.


    Maybe I can setup the 'script' file to call my user script and have it run as that user?

  2. Could port 8001 be exposed in a future dockerfile?  I have my owncloud running behind a proxypass and it would be nice to be able to proxypass to the non-ssl URL.


    Edit: sorry, I meant to ask if it could be included in the dockerfile. It looks like it's exposed, but not mapped.


    You can manually add the 8001->8001 mapping in the docker config. If you then set forcessl to false in the owncloud config.php you'll be able to do a non-SSL proxypass.

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