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  1. What user does this script run as? Is there an option for me to run as another user? The reason I ask is I have an rsync script that will backup folders to an external SFTP. I tried setting up the same SSH keys for both root and the user, but it doesn't seem to want to work properly. Maybe I can setup the 'script' file to call my user script and have it run as that user?
  2. I'm getting the following error when trying to create a host: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found I am trying to SSH using a user which is not root. I did generate the ssh identities for both root and the other user and setup some copy/permissions in the go script to persist these identities across reboot. I am also trying to SSH to another unRAID box with the same configuration. The .ssh/ permissions have +r for all. I also have the RSA key authentication working properly between both boxes. Any ideas? How I setup the SSH identities to persist through reboot Log in as root Create your SSH identity using the command ssh-keygen ( Your files will generate into /root/.ssh ) If you want to do RSA or PublicKey auth, use ssh-copy-id to/from the server you want to auth to. I have two unraid boxes, so I used this command to send the key to the client machine. You'll get both the authorized_keys and known_hosts files created in your .ssh directory. Create the folders in /boot/config: /boot/config/user_home Create the folders in /boot/config/user_home: /boot/config/user_home/root Copy the files in /root/.ssh/ to /boot/config/user_home/root/.ssh Add the following to the bottom of the /boot/config/go script: cp -r /boot/config/user_home/root/.ssh /root/ chmod 500 /root/.ssh/* chmod 700 /root/.ssh For non-root users we can copy saved user home directories in their entirely: cp -r /boot/config/user_home/<user> /home/ chown -R <user> /home/<user> chmod 500 /home/<user>/.ssh/* chmod 700 /home/<user>/.ssh Also, in the /boot/config/ssh/sshd_config file, enable the following two lines: RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes (I don't think you need RSAauthentication enabled, but i enabled both) If you have issues, just add the -v flag when you're making an ssh connection ( ssh -v <user>@<host> ). If you're using keys to authenticate and it still prompts you for a password, log in using the password and see what message the server returns to you. I had an issue with the .ssh directory not being set to 700 causing the password prompt. If you setup a password in your key, you'll still be asked for that when logging in.
  3. Could port 8001 be exposed in a future dockerfile? I have my owncloud running behind a proxypass and it would be nice to be able to proxypass to the non-ssl URL. Edit: sorry, I meant to ask if it could be included in the dockerfile. It looks like it's exposed, but not mapped. You can manually add the 8001->8001 mapping in the docker config. If you then set forcessl to false in the owncloud config.php you'll be able to do a non-SSL proxypass.