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Posts posted by EDACerton

  1. 8 hours ago, nassauer said:

    Hi all. I´d be happy if someone could point me in the right direction: I have installed Tailscale plugin and I can access my immich docker with ease. But for the life of me I can´t connect to jellyfin using the tailscale IP and port. I am advertising subnet (I hope, as I am not an IT pro  who always knows what he is doing. Subnet advertising was not neccessary for immich though.

    Taruga-tailscale-diag-20240602-085645.zip 142.1 kB · 1 download

    I see that your Jellyfin container is configured to use host networking; is there a reason for that?

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/31/2024 at 5:09 PM, nemo868 said:

     I’m running Unraid 6.12.10 with the Tailscale plugin and I have never been able to access the Unraid GUI remotely.


    I can’t even ping the Tailscale IP of the Unraid box from any of my other tailnet devices remotely, though the server shows up as connected on the Tailscale admin page.


    I have attached the diagnostics file in case anyone can help me figure this out.

    Tower-tailscale-diag-20240531-170248.zip 123.91 kB · 0 downloads

    Are you able to connect from home-desktop-pc? I can see some MDNS traffic in the logs that seems to be OK.


    I also see some weird "no associated peer node" messages in the logs. That makes me think that something either on the server or the clients isn't connected correctly. I would try either logging off/logging on to the clients, or erase the Tailscale plugin configuration (there's a button in the settings) and then try connecting the server again.

  3. On 6/1/2024 at 8:31 AM, nerbonne said:

    I have tailscale installed as a plugin.  I've read to enable direct connections, I need to forward port UDP/41641 to the IP of my unraid box.  Problem is that I have dual WAN, WAN1 being a CGNAT 5g connection and WAN2 being a fiber connection which I can port forward with.  That being said, WAN1 is the default WAN, which I could change but I dont want to for "reasons".  I already have the unraid box IP configured to go out WAN2 in my pfsense router, but that does not seem to force the tailscale connection out WAN2, it seems to use WAN1.  Since the plugin has no console, I don't have any way to check this, but the 5g connection has a monthly transfer limit and then becomes slow for the rest of the month, so I know I'm hitting this limit every now and then because the tailscale connection becomes unreasonable slow late in the month on high usage months.

    This doesn't seem like something that I can fix in the plugin. I can't think of any reason why Tailscale would use a different route than what the rest of the Unraid instance would.


    My recommendation would be to make a post in somewhere like r/Tailscale, there might be someone there who has tried a similar setup.

    • Like 1
  4. On 5/20/2024 at 3:46 AM, explosionhole said:



    Thanks @EDACerton - I had provided these files when I made the original post on Friday 09:46, but I will attach another downloaded file made just as I reply to this message.

    Tower-tailscale-diag-20240520-084545.zip 206.32 kB · 0 downloads

    Looking at this... if you had installed 2024.05.11, that would have likely cause issues with your Docker networking. The later versions correct this issue.


    As for the Let's Encrypt errors, that doesn't seem to be Tailscale related. Let's Encrypt can't resolve the DNS address that you're trying to generate a certificate for:

    DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for sab.redswitch.co.uk


  5. On 5/20/2024 at 7:52 AM, Pulteney said:

    So I used CLI to set a Mullvad exit node. How does that work exactly. Is all internet traffic to and from my Unraid box sent through Mullvad with this enabled?

    In theory, yes -- although this isn't something that I've expressly tested (on my to-do list).

  6. On 5/21/2024 at 10:36 AM, jchaven said:

    How to have update restart plugin?

    I have a few Unraid servers all running Tailscale for remote access. In most cases I can access the Unraid server using a local IP if Tailscale is not running. However, I have two machines that I can only access via Tailscale.

    The problem comes when the plug-in is updated and does not restart. At this point I lose access to the server and there is no way to get it back unless I restart the server (have user hold power button until powered-off).

    Is there a way to have the plug-in restarted after updates?

    EDIT: It appears the UP Flags needed to be updated. I tried to restart the container and is failed. The log had the change required for the container's UP Flag variable. With changes applied the container started. There appears to be no issue here after all.

    This sounds like you're using the Tailscale container, not the Tailscale plugin.

  7. On 5/18/2024 at 5:40 AM, ma83 said:


    I just experienced this.

    I rebooted the first time since installing Tailscale and was not able to access my Unraid locally. 

    Just by coincidence I saw the node up in Tailscale and successfully tried the Tailscale IP.


    Current state: Enabling Use Tailscale Subnets disables access to Unraid on the local ip immediately.

    So I can't have both now... I had both before the first reboot after installing the Tailscale plugin.


    There should be some way to fix this?
    Also... I would suggest to add a warning to the Use Tailscale Subnets which says breaks local access on reboot until this is fixed.


    I believe not everyone is able to troubleshoot this and many users don't have a Monitor hooked up - leaving them with an unreachable and unusable Unraid instance after installing Tailscale and enabling the Use Tailscale Subnets feature. 



    Use Tailscale Subnets shouldn't break connectivity on reboot; however, how it behaves is highly dependent on the configuration of your tailnet.


    This setting is intended only for folks that understand what it does, and as such I've already applied several warnings regarding its use:

    • The setting is only displayed when you switch to the "Advanced" mode.
    • Immediately above the setting is a bold warning which states "These should generally be left off unless specifically needed."
    • The quoted warning in this thread.
  8. 1.66.1 is available via the preview version of the plugin. It will get pushed to the main version in a few days.


    For those posting about updates, please remember:

    • I am a volunteer
    • I have a family
    • I have a full-time job to pay the bills

    I try to get to updates quickly, but there are other things that are higher priority, so sometimes the plugin updates have to wait for a few days 😀.

    • Like 4
  9. On 4/27/2024 at 9:31 AM, Duckers said:

    Hoi, how do i setup unraid as the exit node? Cause it's option is greyed out, and can't seem to edit anything in it. The container is apparently now only for specialist use now, but it somehow worked, and got to use it as a exit node, and vpn my phone to my home server for blocking ads, but got no local address access of tailscale IP, nor my local home ip when on 5g. 

    So i want to find out how to properly take control of the plugin.

    You have to switch to the editing mode by clicking the "Viewing" button in the web interface.


    Alternately, you can use the Tailscale CLI to enable exit node.

  10. On 4/27/2024 at 5:38 AM, Masterwishx said:

    @EDACerton Very like this plugin and tailscale , but becouse UI isn't opened using cool UI headscale-admin, but interesting if this plugin can be adopted for using with Netbird ?

    Will be cool to have Also Netbird plugin in Unraid 🙂

    You're welcome to use my plugin as a starting point, but this isn't something that I intend to work on.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, jbrodriguez said:

    sorry to have brought you in @EDACerton🙏, i was really referring to the underlying app, tailscale itself, which isn't fully open source (https://tailscale.com/opensource#faqs)

    There's a misconception here. The base tailscale/tailscaled binaries that are installed via the plugin are open-source (they come from the repo that I linked, I've even submitted PRs for them to make things work better on Unraid).


    The Mac/Windows/iOS GUIs aren't open-source, nor is the control server (although there is Headscale as an alternative there, which does work with the plugin). None of those components are installed on Unraid.

  12. On 4/13/2024 at 9:58 AM, jbrodriguez said:

    P.S.: not sure about community app rules 🤷‍♂️, however there are some other plugins in the community apps that are not open source (tailscale comes to mind)


    FYI -- the Tailscale comment here is not accurate, all components are open source:

    • Like 1
  13. On 4/8/2024 at 10:12 PM, 01111000 said:

    LAN IP

    Did you configure a subnet router for that network? By default, if you're trying to remotely connect to a Tailscale device, you have to use the Tailscale IP, not the local IP. If you configure a subnet router, however, you can use the local IP remotely as well.

  14. 6 hours ago, Secluded said:

    Hi Hoopster, thank you for the advice! ☺️ Yeah, using a docker version seems a feasible way.


    While I still would like to let the plugin developer know this problem, and to see if this can be fixed from the developer side.


    I will try swtiching to the docker version if this won't be fixed for the plugin version.

    Adding a "delay start" isn't something that I plan to add to the plugin settings.


    Reason: using arbitrary delay values to solve race conditions is generally bad and should be avoided.

    Secondary reason: the User Scripts plugin can do what you're trying to accomplish, and since this is technically not a Tailscale problem I'd rather not start trying to build fixes into the plugin for other plugins/containers.


    Ideally, you'd want to build something smart that would run "At startup of array" which would:

    1. Wait for the container you want to be started (hint), then
    2. Restart Tailscale using the script at /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tailscale/restart.sh

    Alternately, you could just build a simple wait by doing this in an "at startup of array" script (change the 60 seconds as needed):


    sleep 60


  15. On 4/7/2024 at 3:31 PM, 01111000 said:

    I must be overlooking something simple but I’d like to access my server while on the go via IP Address when I’m using the VPN.  While Tailscale does connect, I cannot access any of the local services running on my server via IP.  Where do I configure local access?  

    Are you trying to use the Tailscale IP or the LAN IP?

  16. 10 hours ago, marklevark said:


    I used the script on the help tab to get an HTTPS cert working for my webgui. All good.

    Now I'm trying to copy the cert over to some docker containers to get HTTPS on more of my services, following the steps on the help tab. I'm new to this kinda thing, so bear with me, but once copied over, how do I get the certs working? The instructions end and that's where I (a newbie) gets lost.


    Thanks in advance!



    Screenshot 2024-04-08 105640.png

    This isn’t something that I can really help with, you’d have to refer to the documentation for the containers to see how to replace the certificate that each uses. 

  17. On 4/5/2024 at 3:02 PM, dopeytree said:

    This plugin seems to be averaging around 42% cpu which seems a bit on the high side. 

    It's a newish 13-600H with aes chip built in etc. 


    I run tailscale on my pfsense router but added this plugin as a backup.


    What do others see cpu wise?

    Tailscale CPU load is usually traffic-dependent; how much are you sending via Tailscale?


    Otherwise, diagnostics would be helpful to see if there's something else going on.

  18. 6 hours ago, Roncore said:

    Quick, and probably a dumb question.  I see people posting their Tailscale settings from within Unraid, and I do not see this option under settings, nor under settings/Network Settings.  I thought it was because I was running 6.12.5, but I went ahead and upgraded to 6.12.9 this morning, and I still do not have tailscale settings anywhere in the Unraid Gui.  Any ideas?


    First screenshot is a picture on this thread, second screenshot is a picture from my Unraid.


    Screenshot 2024-04-03 075931.png

    You don’t have the Tailscale plugin installed. You’re probably running the docker container. 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, rama3124 said:

    Thank you, the device came up as connected as soon as I ran tailscale up. Now I can access all my docker containers when adding the port numbers but can't get the Unraid webgui up. I saw this is a common issue when enabling subnets but I can't get the webgui up even when I put in the tailscale IP address

    Did you run the restart command? That's necessary to get the WebGUI to start listening on the Tailscale IP.

  20. 6 hours ago, Rykzon said:


    I have some experience with tailscale but just started to try out this plugin.

    I have a working custom network setup with traefik and some containers behind that. This is working just fine locally, via wireguard and public internet. Traefik listens on the unraid host IP:443.


    I was trying to migrate some currently public containers to tailscale.


    Basic connectivity is working fine. I have setup my public dns to point to the unraid tailscale IP instead of my public ip, connection works when in tailnet.

    I have setup everything to allow direct connections whenever possible, this seems to work as far as I can observe.


    Sadly when using the plugin I am mostly extremely limited in bandwidth >1Mbps, sometimes after restarting tailscale it works fine but then breaks down again. Much much worse than straight internet or locally, everything using the same traefik configuration.

    Using the tailscale container provides better bandwidth but I would like to avoid that.


    Right now I can only assume that some unraid internal networking is screwing with me.


    Tower-tailscale-diag-20240401-163235.zip 172.31 kB · 1 download

    There's nothing in the Tailscale logs that indicates an issue.


    I'd recommend trying to get some tailscale status output from both the server and a client while you're seeing a slow transfer, that might shed some light on the problem.

    • Thanks 1
  21. 5 hours ago, rama3124 said:

    I gave this a go after all and when I stopped the docker container and approved the plugin, the new unraid instance didn't show as online in my tailscale admin console. I have SSH access so I can just delete the plugin and restart the tailscale container but is there a way to complete setup for the plugin through command line? 


    Run this from SSH:


    tailscale up


    Then, once you've logged in and you see the device in the Tailscale console:




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